
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 501 to 600 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Andrew Keeler

    Consideration for the impact on aquatic wildlife including but not limited to Fish, invertebrates, crustations, water and land insects, birds and land animals that use, rely appon and frequent,... Read more

  • Angharad Johnson

    As a local resident of Strood I am deeply concerned about the environment impact that the proposed project could have upon our local area. The construction of the crossing would cause awful... Read more

  • Anne Rea

    While I consider there is a need the lower Thames crossing I personally consider the current proposal unworkable and complicated. In my view the crossing should be built on the Isle of Grain at the... Read more

  • Aubrey Nestor

    My primary representation is that the whole LTC proposal should be scrapped. It's original aim when the project was kicked off many years ago was to reduce congestion at the Dartford Crossing. By HE's... Read more

  • Brian Seeger

    To ensure the lower thames crossing will be able to carry enough traffic to substantially reduce congestion at the Dartford crossing

  • Carol Goldsmith

    Concerned about the detrimental affect to Baker Street end of Orsett village. Also concerns about disruption during construction

  • Chris Windle

    I am a truck driver [Redacted]and I fully support the lower Thames crossing, it can’t come soon enough.

  • Climate Emergency Planning and Policy (Climate Emergency Planning and Policy )

    Dr Andrew Boswell, Climate Emergency Planning and Policy I am an independent environmental consultant. I object to the Lower Thames Crossing: (1) The most important question is “to what extent does... Read more

  • Clive James Rea

    While I consider there is a need for anther Thames crossing I personally consider the current proposal as the right idea but in the wrong place. In my view the tunnel should be built at Grain on the... Read more

  • Colin Johnson

    I fully accept and appreciate the need for this project as it will largely alleviate pressure on the A2 and divert much of the heavy goods vehicles around the southern approaches to London towards... Read more

  • David Penman

    I am concerned that not all measures that will reduce the noise and visual impact of the project on myself and other residents in East Tilbury are being taken. More specifically in relation to the... Read more

  • Dr James Stevens

    As a local resident, scientist, and end user of the impacted environment and surrounds I echo the objections raised by the Essex Wildlife Trust: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and... Read more

  • Fiona Bunton

    I object to the LTC proposal for the the following reasons: *The proximity to the populated area of Ockendon *The impact on our listed buildings including St Nicholas church on the green. *The impact... Read more

  • Gareth Oakland

    Building more road capacity is the wrong answer when we need to reduce emissions and traffic. If there is a need for another Thames crossing it should focus on mass transit and active travel... Read more

  • Gary Bradbury

    To give support to the Application , on the basis of a M25 Dartford Crossing user over many years. To question strongly why the Application does not now include a proposal to build a new Services... Read more

  • Helen Burgess

    My Land abuts the Hole Farm Community Land. We’re have a view across the valley to where the M25 and the A127 intersect, and the stretch of the M25 which is to be widened

  • Ian Brown

    I intend to object to the proposed lower Thames crossing.

  • Jan Marshall

    I have serious concerns about the impact the Lower Thames Crossing will have on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to... Read more

  • John Cheeseman

    We have put up with the traffic and congestion for long enough now.It is high time something is done about the lack of crossing places on the thames.We have put up with the failed east london river... Read more

  • Jonathan Fox

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Karen Calder

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Lisa Gouge

    I am interested in the impacts that this has on my community, infrastructure, traffic, welfare of wildlife and surrounding areas. The impact it has on pollution where I live, mine and my families... Read more

  • Malcolm Phelps

    My representation is that in order to reduce congestion at the present crossing, only vehicles not requiring an escort should be permitted through the present north bound tunnels.

  • Mark William Sopher

    1) The Environmental impact on the local eco systems of Thames marshes of Essex. 2) The Environmental impact on the local eco systems of Thames marshes of Kent. 3) The disruption and nuisance to local... Read more

  • Mr Chris Forsyth

    I live very close to the planned works and I'm concerned about the environmental impacts and construction related traffic during the building of the new road and junctions. I would like to ensure the... Read more

  • Mr Cristian J Ramis

    I am concerned about the impact the proposed project could have on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: • Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. • Damage to, and... Read more

  • Mr John F Reymond BSc CEng MIET

    Delighted that progress is at last being made on this long overdue project. The sooner constructon begins the better.

  • Mr Paul Walford BA(Hons)

    I consider that my views for this project are both valid and beneficial for all parties concerned. I would generally be supportive of a new river crossing, since it would ease congestion in SE London... Read more

  • Mr. C. Hounsell

    Air quality and other environmental issues.

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Representation to follow by email

  • Nick Power

    Please just get on and build the thing I’m sick of being a local living person with all the misery of the traffic and air quality impact that causes.

  • Oliver Platts

    The Lower Thames Crossing as planned will: - Consume a great quantity of land resources for no good reason. Including: farmland needed for food security, potential land for housing to alleviate the... Read more

  • Paul Fisher

    The option needs to take proper account of residents opinions and it is vital that the eventual contractors act expeditiously and effectively

  • Peter Hill

    Principally, the resulting congestion ease at the existing Thames Crossing at Dartford

  • Ray Hockley

    The impact on the environment The provision of electric charging capability in line with carbon net zero goals The source of long term support and maintenance funding

  • Recycled In Orsett Ltd (Recycled In Orsett Ltd)

    This development will aid businesses in the area to grow and work more efficiently and the crossing will allow for significant growth in the area, currently it is a absolute nightmare to get any flow... Read more

  • Reg Ramm

    traffic congestion

  • Richard Gethin

    I do not feel that enough consideration has been given to the problem of traffic passing through Sole Street to reach the tunnel from the south of Kent. A satnav will direct a driver on the most... Read more

  • Richard Wheeler

    To support the building of LTC to relieve some of the traffic issues in north Kent and around Dartford

  • Robert Heath

    I am concerned that Green Farm Lane will become a short cut between the Gravesend-Rochester Road and the Lower Higham Road. Green Farm Lane is a quiet country lane and has a 7.5T weight limit with a... Read more

  • Roger Hill


  • Rosalind Young

    As a local school teacher who lives very close to the proposed route I am concerned for the pollution that this road construction will produce for my community especially for our young children.... Read more

  • Rowland Wheatley

    I am a regular user of the Dartford crossing from Kent. While I have not experienced long delays in crossing of late, I would welcome a second crossing. Also a crossing in the location proposed could... Read more

  • Roy Tulkens

    Environmental Issues

  • Suzanne Heath

    I am concerned about construction traffic using Green Farm Lane as a cut through from the Lower Higham Road to the Gravesend Road (this is a common problem that would become exacerbated once... Read more

  • T Turner

    I was unfortunate enough to live in Kent during the 70s and as a young boy did not appreciate the amount of destruction that was going on around me with the building of hundreds of thousands of houses... Read more

  • Terence Fox

    This is a vital Thames crossing point and should have been built years ago.If the Dartford crossing are closed the effect are felt all the way up to London.Any terrorist action at Dartford could bring... Read more

  • The Boreham Family

    Dear Sirs, Myself and my wife Mr and Mrs Boreham [Redacted] object to the proposed scheme. We consider that our following business interests will be directly affected by the scheme: 1) The business of... Read more

  • Tony Cocca

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Tracy White

    The points I wish to make are in relation to how the construction and subsequent operation of the Lower Thames Crossing and associated road network are going to impact on my health and wellbeing. I... Read more

  • Usman Kabbia

    I am hereby support for the proposed Lowe thames crossing route. Dridge and development Having this facilities development would enable me and my family to commute fast and easily for work

  • William Andrews

    The impacts the lower Thames crossing will cause on local and surrounding wildlife would be highly damaging. Also the impact on putting another crossing which isn't needed would be damaging to local... Read more

  • William Wight

    The environmental impact of the proposed crossing outweighs the benefits.

  • Aisha Saher

    Increase in air and noise pollution, whole route fails on WHO-10 levels for PM2.5 No provision for cross river active travel, not viable for public transport due to lack of adequate connections... Read more

  • Amanda Wolsey

    I live within a mile of the proposed motorway and I am concerned about the environmental impact generally as well as the negative impact on my quality of life.

  • Andrew Charlton

    I object to the scheme because although it may relieve some of the pressure on the Dartford Crossing I do not believe it is worth the money or upheaval it will cause. 1. Spending £9bn on a project at... Read more

  • Anthony Biggs

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • BTF Partnership (BTF Partnership) on behalf of Baylis Family (Baylis Family)

    • The Interested Party is identified in the Statement of Reasons Annex B No. 59 and relates to Plots 11-36 and 11-37 • The Applicant has given insufficient consideration to a possible land swap with... Read more

  • Celia Burns

    LTC is not ethically supportable

  • Christopher Sewell

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: • Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. • Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Christopher Zgoda

    Road Traffic modelling through Parish of Cobham, Kent and adjacent areas during construction and operation of LTC - no detail provided on data used for modelling and consider modelling highly flawed -... Read more

  • Claire Walker

    We do not need another road crossing of the Thames. We need to reduce private car use and get more freight onto rail and river. There are many more useful ways of spending the money set aside for this... Read more

  • Coleen

    I feel the project is too expensive, is a in the wrong place (the local roads will not cope), will do environmental damage to our area, IF it is needed it needs to be in the right place and other... Read more

  • Colin Hardy

    Yet another road project will not solve transport problems and in fact will negatively contribute to environmental damage. The funds would be far better spent on public transport, railways, buses,... Read more

  • David Livitt

    The business case benefits are speculative and unavailable. The environmental impact is hugely under-stated. The cost and timescale are under-stated.

  • David Mcsweeney

    I am completely against the construction of the lower Thames crossing. As a local resident I think it will blight the lives of myself and my family for generations to come.

  • Denise Drain

    Air quality in Thurrock. Already poor

  • Edward Barratt

    I am very concerned about the impact on wildlife and their habitats. In particular I would like to highlight : Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and... Read more

  • Elaine Rogers

    Good afternoon, I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of... Read more

  • Fleur Derbyshire-Fox

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Francis Dunne

    Traffic Management in Grays and surroundings . Grays is badly affected when there are problems on the existing bridge or tunnel crossings. Traffic builds up and can cause traffic jams all the way back... Read more

  • Gillian Davidoff

    I work closely with youth organisations in and around the south Ockendon & Thurrock areas, we have concerns that these groups are going to loose a lot of the country side that they have now because of... Read more

  • BTF Partnership (BTF Partnership) on behalf of Gressier Family (Gressier Family)

    PROPERTY Puckle Hill, Shorne – residential property with private woodland and parkland extending in all to 34.23 ac (13.85ha). Owner-occupied by Interested Party. SCHEME 11.03 ha (27.26ac)... Read more

  • BTF Partnership (BTF Partnership) on behalf of GRT Holdings Limited (GRT Holdings Limited)

    • Statement of Reasons 4.1 under Annex B Schedule of Negotiations No327, identifies the engagement between the parties up to the point of submission of the DCO application and its subsequent... Read more

  • Ian Isaac

    As a local resident want to ensure needs of local community are full considered in the application, both through the design and construction phase.

  • Iris Buffoni

    I am concerned about how close the LTC will be coming to my home. I cannot understand why ULEZ has been brought to Upminster, when the LTC is going to be to close.

  • J. Merriott

    I do not want to see SW Essex have any more building structures, it is overcrowded now and to add another road tunnel is going to be detrimental to our wildlife and most of all to residents who will... Read more

  • Jaki Penfold

    I object on grounds of pollution and net zero targets not being met. I object on cost that should be put to more useful purposes ie new local NHS hospital and equipment. I object a on grounds that... Read more

  • Jamie Clark

    I would like to know the impact on air quality and noise pollution and what evidence there is to support all claims if this road was built.

  • Jane Higgins

    The concerns about air quality do not extend to the health risks of a 6 lane motorway through a built up area. The new road crossing poses real dangers to health The new road crossing removes valuable... Read more

  • Janet Murray

    The main points I will be regarding access routes to and from the tunnel. In principal I believe we need this crossing, now, and anything that brings this continual review process to a halt will... Read more

  • Jeff Belmour

    My representation will be against the building of the Lower Thames Crossing.

  • Jenny Scott-Thompson

    The lower Thames crossing is a terrible idea that is destroying the environment and will increase pollution through induced demand. Please stop encouraging private cars damaging our city.

  • Jonathan Olney

    Waste of over £10bn+, not value for money, false economy as other spending would be needed as direct result

  • Julia Deeley

    I wish to object to the Lower Thames Crossing for the following reasons :- It will not relieve the problem at the DartfordTunnel It will create more pollution to the area It will increase heavy... Read more

  • Karen Richardson-Judd

    I am against the new crossing,it will not decrease traffic but will increase the air pollution and cause more cases of asthma and other health conditions.

  • Kathryn Westell

    I do not wish this crossing, which will be of no useful purpose at all, to run across the fields at the back of my property. We’re being told to plant more trees to help with air quality etc. What... Read more

  • Leonard Colin Gaunt

    I object to the Lower Thames Crossing as it will place a large residential area along with its surrounding green fields and recreational areas within a ring of major roads causing pollution of all... Read more

  • BTF Partnership (BTF Partnership) on behalf of Lesley Quigley (Lesley Quigley)

    PROPERTY 7 ac. (2.68 ha.) equestrian property with accommodation and grazing for 12 horses to the north of the A13 forming an equestrian livery facility owner-occupied by the Interested Party. SCHEME... Read more

  • Lindsey White

    I do not believe that the LTC should be approved to come through East Tilbury and Linford. It will have a great impact on the environment and will not add anything of significance to the area except... Read more

  • M. B. Leahy

    Objection for the need for an additional crossing. Proposed crossing in wrong place. Hugely destructive and harmful. Doesn’t meet scheme objectives Would not solve the problems suffered due to the... Read more

  • Marianne Kok

    I have concerns over the £10bn+++ LTC, and what a huge waste of taxpayers' money it would be . There are more enviormentally cheaper options like option A14 that was not looked at properly

  • Marine Management Organisation (Marine Management Organisation)

    Good afternoon. Due to the word limit in this section, the Marine Management Organisation has submitted our relevant representation via e-mail to on 17... Read more

  • Martin Stitchman

    I have serious concerns about the new Lower Thames Crossing between Essex and Kent and its effects on the environment and natural world including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and... Read more

  • Mbeko Sihwa

    The crossing should be both a road and rail tunnel. There is no direct railway route between Essex and Kent. That would integrate the transport system and ease congestion on the Dartford tunnel. The... Read more

  • Michael Bannister

    We presently suffer from an abnormal increased use of Chalk Road, Lower Higham, by HGV's, especially a skip company, namely RS Skips, based on the Apex Business Park. This could be alleviated if a... Read more

  • Michael Jiggens

    I have serious concerns about the impact on wildlife and habitats in Essex, including: Biodiversity loss, such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. Damage to and fragmentation of habitats,... Read more

  • Mr Graham Neill

    The route won't help the issues at the Dartford Crossing and costs to build it are going up and up. The cost is too high when the country is suffering financially. Living near it is going to be awful... Read more

  • Mr Michael Beiley

    I am primarily concerned about long term capacity of the new crossing and the degree to which it will be "future proofed" including the ability of the crossing to be expanded to provide additional... Read more

  • Mrs Christine Rouse

    Cost of the LTC compared with previously considered options. Will not meet it's original purpose of reducing problems at the Dartford Crossing but will add to and create massive traffic problems in... Read more