
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 276 to 300 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • David Reynolds

    I wish to air my views about the proposed lower Thames crossing. I wish to enter objections to the pollution and extra traffic that this tunnel will bring to Thurrock This will be a environmental... Read more

  • Emma Tristram

    I object to the scheme for the following reasons. 1. The scheme would not relieve congestion at the Dartford Crossing. 2. The scheme would lead to a large (50%) increase in traffic at a time when,... Read more

  • John Elliott

    I do find some difficulty in conforming exactly with the National Policy Statement as it is clearly in conflict with more recent government policies (eg the carbon reduction strategy and the... Read more

  • Linda Holland

    The road will be in front of my bungalow. My concern is noise, pollution, disruption over a long period of time due to closure of the road I live. How will I access my property. Will the local bus... Read more

  • London Cycling Campaign (London Cycling Campaign)

    We will make a representation in the context of targets and aims contained in national policy statements on issues including but not necessarily limited to transport decarbonisation, mode shift,... Read more

  • Paul Howsam

    The traffic situation around GRavesend is already untenable due to all of the below 1. Bluewater 2. Ebbsfleet Valley 3. Proposed Theme Park. To add this additional crossing will crate even more... Read more

  • David Williams

    I do not believe this proposal is warranted given the current state of affairs we as both a country and planet, are facing. This will massively increase carbon emissions in the midst of the climate... Read more

  • Glyn Jarvis

    I am concerned that the land take in Thurrock is unnecessary and further investigation should be undertaken to examine a route which enters Essex from Kent at a point which is further east.

  • Inspire You Wellbeing Ltd (Inspire You Wellbeing Ltd) on behalf of Inspire You Wellbeing Ltd (Inspire You Wellbeing Ltd)

    -We are hoping to see more cycling infrastructure and are happy to see the inclusion of foot bridges. We hope that in the future there is more availability for people to use healthy modes of transport... Read more

  • Janice McAleavey

    The health and safety of Thurrock residents is a main concern of mine as we will be surrounded by air pollution and noise that will have a detrimental impact on the people of this area. This... Read more

  • Naomi Cooper

    Doesn’t meet the objectives it set out to achieve Not economical, no value for money at over £10 billion - other spending would be needed as a direct result of this flawed project Would not solve... Read more

  • Hobbs Parker Property Consultants LLP (Hobbs Parker Property Consultants LLP) on behalf of Owners of RK & D Shearer (Owners of RK & D Shearer)

    The representation will cover the following matters: 1. Extent and scale of Permanent Freehold Acquisition 2. Extent and scale of Temporary Acquisition 3. Severance of Farm 4. Impact on Access to Farm... Read more

  • Paul Parmenter

    Pollution and distraction of country life. The removal of access to current road and additional cost and mileage that I will increase my carbon footprint to travel locally The increase iin traffic on... Read more

  • Richard Hawker

    Lower Thames Crossing. Although I live a considerable distance from the proposed scheme, I am aware of its massive scale, and the disastrous effect it will have upon the area of the lower Thames, in... Read more

  • Stuart Dixon

    Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project comprising 14 miles of Trunk Road linking the A2 and M25 through a Tunnel under the River Thames at Gravesend (LTC). According to Government procurement... Read more

  • Tracey Payne

    I have concerns about the air quality in the area which is already high. The consultation process has been lacking with missed information sessions in affected areas, it wasn’t completely inclusive... Read more

  • Dover Harbour Board (Dover Harbour Board)

    The Port of Dover is responsible for facilitating £144bn of trade and 33% of the UK’s trade in goods with the EU, half of which is travelling to and from beyond London and the South East to support... Read more

  • Essex Bridleways Association (Essex Bridleways Association)

    Essex Bridleways Association has been in detailed discussions on this project from the outset. As such EBA wishes to ensure that agreements reached to date are not detrimentally altered and are... Read more

  • Peter Booth

    The scheme is unnecessary and unaffordable. The local disruption is unacceptable and will cause permanent damage to ever dwindling areas for nature and conservation.

  • Sandra Elliott

    My home is very close to the proposed route north of the river. I am concerned about the environmental impact of the destructions of large swathes of green space and ancient woodland on residents... Read more

  • Alan Turner

    I wish to object to part of the proposed route of the LTC. At the northern end, where it is to merge with the M25, your proposed route will carve a devastating path through the Thames Chase Community... Read more

  • Andrea Kay

    I believe that the proposed crossing will add to pollution, which is already over legal limits in Thurrock

  • Esso Petroleum Company, Limited (Esso Petroleum Company, Limited)

    We are a landowner affected by the scheme. We are in process of selling the relevant land (a former petrol station on the north side of the A2) on agreed terms to National Highways. The sale appears... Read more

  • Lesley Goodwin on behalf of Glen Platt (Glen Platt)

    My home in South Ockendon will look directly over the LTC road when it is built. Firstly, the tunnel is to close to the current Dartford Crossing to be a viable alternative it will just add to... Read more

  • Lesley Goodwin on behalf of Jaime Anderson (Jaime Anderson)

    My home will look directly over the LTC road when it is built. The tunnel is to close to the current Dartford Crossing to be a viable alternative it will just add to congestion in Thurrock which will... Read more