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Advice to Anonymous

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Date advice given
17 February 2020
Enquiry type

Dear Sir or Madam, This is with respect to the expected DCO application by Highways England and the Lower Thames Crossing. My question is whether our Parish Council can become an Interested Party and that the route to achieve that is to submit a Relevant Representation. The context is that Cobham village is within a Conservation Area, in the immediate proximity of the LTC development (within a 2 mile radius), and with many parts of the parish within the Designated Development Area. The issue of relevance is not to do with land acquisition, but traffic flows through the village and the local impact that would result from higher volumes of traffic due to the LTC development. The local roads are all minor rural roads and unfit for increased traffic volumes and this would be the basis of the representation. Does the Parish Council qualify to apply to be an Interested Party, would that be automatic in this case, or would it be required to submit a Relevant Representation application? Thank you for your help. Kind Regards Tony Rice

Advice given

Dear Cllr Rice The Parish Council would not be deemed an Interested Party automatically. However, you can register as an Interested Party, following acceptance of the application. If the application is submitted and accepted to proceed to Examination, the Applicant will notify of the period within which people have to register. I hope this information is helpful. Please see the Advice Notes below which may also be of assistance: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Advice-note-8-1v4.pdf https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Advice-note-8-2v3.pdf Kind regards