Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Colin Cram

Date submitted
20 August 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. The queueing traffic that exists for much of the day creates a huge amount of noxious fumes and CO2. The fumes will be poisoning the surrounding areas. 2. Good transport is essential for economic development. Business move in and existing businesses can expand and create new jobs. Unemployment would reduce and poverty - of which there is plenty in east Manchester, Glossop Mottram, Hollingworth, Tintwistle, Hadfield and Hattersley, would reduce. Many people would be better off. 3. More jobs in this area would mean that fewer people would need to travel away to work, e.g. to central Manchester and beyond, thus reducing CO2. 4. Glossop would be more easily visited by tourists, thus helping revitalise the High Street. Please note, I tried to send my response, but seemed to fail. So this is my second attempt at responding. The by-pass was needed 60 years ago. It is desperately needed now. 1. It will encourage businesses to set up in the Glossop area. There is too much poverty and unemployment in the Glossop area, particularly places such as Gamesley and Hattersley, but also in Glossop and Hadfield. 2. More decently paid jobs in Glossop and fewer unemployed will benefit the local community as, for example, more money will go into the High Street shops and other businesses. 3. The pollution created by queues of lorries and cars along the M67 - all with their engines switched on - either side of Mottram and in Hollingworth will be creating horrendous pollution. That will present a serious health risk to people who live near the road. Getting traffic moving will reduce the pollution, even if traffic volumes increase - which they probably won't. 4. Because the by-pass should eliminate the traffic queues belching out noxious gases, it is likely that CO2 emissions will reduce. 5. Eliminating the long traffic queues will reduce noise. 6. Nearly everyone I speak to is strongly in favour of the by-pass. They can all recognise the benefits. In short, the proposed by-pass is not a perfect solution for instance, it should also by-pass Tintwistle and Hollingworth. However, it will boost the economy, increase jobs for local people, reduce unemployment, reduce benefits payments, reduce noxious gases, reduce noise and reduce CO2 emissions. One issue I didn't mention is that several times I have seen emergency services, in particular ambulances, being stuck or very much slowed down in traffic queues. I would be grateful if you would add this to my representation as delays can cost lives.