Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Philip Haley

Date submitted
21 August 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My family and I have lived in Glossop for 42 years. The By-Pass (in it's various forms) had been proposed and promised long before then. I spent my entire working life since then travelling to and from Tameside to work at Tameside Hospital by public transport. My wife did the same to work as a nurse at the same hospital travelling by car. As you may be aware, it is now virtually impossible to make these journeys by public transport in order to get to work on time. Now, as retirees, we still have to make journey to visit my daughters family and our grandchildren, or to get to shops etc in Ashton or Stalybridge. Over all this time, we have seen a further gradual deterioration in the standard of public transport. The amount of traffic, both personal or commercial, has increased many fold. In the meantime, house building has continued unabated in Glossop and district. Many of these properties are large, and have room for at least two or more cars, which only exacerbates the situation. If this road scheme is not completed in the relatively near future it is unlikely that many residents in the High Peak area will live to see it! Whilst we live in the centre of Glossop, which is badly affected, I am just grateful that we don't live in Hollingworth or one of other smaller communities which are more badly affected by the heavy volume of traffic, using roads which were designed for Victorian traffic.