Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by David O'Connell

Date submitted
21 August 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

When I first moved to Glossop over 45 years ago I was told we were going to have a bypass. Since then Glossop high street has become like a car park with traffic crawling through it. Local s have to find detours and dangerous rat runs just to get into town. We keep building new housing estates without any improvement to the roads or any ability to get out of Glossop. Many people having to resort to going through Charlesworth and Broadhottom to avoid the bottleneck at Mottram. I was a young man when I moved to Glossop and am now an old man who would love to see the bypass finished in my lifetime. We have been let down by successive governments who always manage to find the money for road improvements in the south of England.