Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Debbie Seel

Date submitted
21 August 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Mottram bypass (A57 to A628) and Glossop spur (A57) are the works being considered. The A628 and Mottram section of A57 carry more heavy goods vehicles than any other A road in the country. It forms a east-west corridor across the Pennines. 2 motor ways (M1 (with A616 bypass)and M67) point at each other connecting East cities such as Sheffield with Manchester and between them lie the roads in question. I live in Hadfield and have suffered from delays often up to 30mins every time we attempt to join the road. This situation has gone on for decades! Money is spent on surveys, traffic counting, proposals and plans drawn up. Schemes are then opposed by outsiders and NOTHING gets done to elevate this bottle neck which is NOTORIOUS. The A628 is a MAJOR national road carrying goods east to west connecting major cities!!! A628/A57 The Woodhead pass into Mottram becomes a single carriage road carrying East/West freight. The road is used for National freight NOT local. For an A road it normally carries more traffic than any other single carriage road in England. During problems on M62 our normal local delays of 20mins become hours of gridlock. M1 spur (Stocksbridge bypass) pointed at M67 (off M60) 1988 creating mayhem for this valley. We have waited long enough! Tens of thousands of pounds are spent on searches, proposals and surveys which are always quashed whereas other places eg Altrincham, Barnsley.... get a bypass when their problems are tiny in comparison. There are 33,000 people and more house building going on and we are gridlocked!