Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Claire Rimmer

Date submitted
21 August 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The building of this bypass is essential to improve the lives of everyone in Glossopdale. By reducing the numbers of vehicles, moving and standing in traffic queues, the air quality will improve and with it the health of the population. The bypass will go a long way to reducing the horrendous hold ups that occur coming into and out if Glossop that at times triple the travel time significantly impacting negatively on all aspects of life. The nearest emergency healthcare services being outside of Glossopdale in Stockport or Ashton. With more and more houses being built in Glossopdale the traffic problems will get significantly worse unless this bypass is built. The bypass is not a "nice to do" project but an essential must do project to improve all aspects of everyone's life in Glossop