Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by David Atkinson

Date submitted
21 August 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a local resident of Mottram in Longdendale. I use the a57 on a daily basis for both committing and for social purposes. My property is on Broadbottom Road and is circa 1km from the junction of the A57 with Market Street. I make the following points in support of the application: 1) The current a57 is unfit for purpose. Simple local journeys to shops, leisure or to visit friends are often rendered prohibitively slow by the queueing traffic on the A57. 2) within Mottram village (in particular at the junction of market street) there has been a complete loss of any local amenity value to the intensity and scale of traffic on a constrained road. The new road will have a positive impact in allowing a return of this area to more appropriate residential and community uses. 3) The well documented delays around the A57 often cause drivers to choose more unsuitable shortcuts. Eg through Broadbottom or along Ashworth Lane. These are principally residential areas. 4) Delays around Mottram create a bottle neck and often cause knock on delays to the M67 and further up the Woodhead Pass. Removing congestion around Mottram will allow the overall flow of traffic to be improved.