Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Joyce Linaker

Date submitted
22 August 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am mainly concerned about the volume of traffic. Primrose Lane is the main road for traffic going to Buxton and as such we get a lot of heavy traffic (lorries carrying stone, cement mixing vehicles etc.) on the lane. The noise sometimes is horrendous with these vehicles and at times the house feels like it physically shakes when they pass. The traffic starts at approx 5 a.m. in the morning so not much chance of a lie in. I feel the amount of traffic is also a hazard for schoolchildren making their way to the local primary schools in particular. I have lived in the Mottram/Glossop area since 1986 and prior to moving to Glossop lived on Matley Lane which was always used as a rat run by commuters and this whole area has needed the bypass for a very long time. Too many lorries on the A57 heading for the M67 instead of them using the M62 and it is the proximity of vehicles to the terraced houses in particular which poses such a danger to pedestrians. I think we have waited far too long for this bypass. My worries in respect of the traffic is mainly for the people who live in the area close to the roads and pedestrians, mainly children, who have to walk along these roads on their way to school/college. This is a serious issue for anybody who lives in these areas. I personally have lived in the Mottram/Glossop area since 1986 and have been waiting for the bypass since moving to the area.