Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Stephen Robinson

Date submitted
26 August 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have lived in Hadfield for over 20 years. I regularly need to "escape" Glossop / Hadfield for work / visit family on the Manchester side. My main points: - It’s getting worse covid gave a temp reprieve, but the traffic recently is a bad as ever. This morning ( 26.08.2021 ) @ 09:05 start - it took 22 minutes to travel 2.1 miles at 12 mpg (this is typical during congestion here). My car does 40+ on average normally. You need to live this problem and be stuck in it regularly to really appreciate how frustrating and soul destroying it really is. I wish objectors would consider the amount of pollution this causes with the stop / start traffic, how many millions of £’s have already been wasted in fuel, delays, break downs and further stop-start + accidents and ill-will caused by drivers “queue jumping” from the outer lane. I have even seen ambulances get stuck in this mess with lights flashing / sirens going. My stance is, we can no longer afford to wait, for 20+ years the campaigners against have effectively caused nothing to happen or improve, it needs actions! No amount of train station building is going to fix the number of trucks that also significantly contribute to this problem. If this road was an artery, the patient would long ago be dead.