Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Mark Pugh

Date submitted
1 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I understand the widespread desire for a traffic scheme that will alleviate traffic problems through Mottram, Hollingworth and Tintwistle but I don't believe that the current proposal will deliver any appreciable benefits, especially to those in Hollingworth, Tintwistle and Glossop. Only Mottram will see a major reduction in traffic. It appears to me that the current proposals will simply deliver more traffic more quickly to the bottom of Mottram Moor and to Dinting Vale. I believe there should be a moratorium on new road building projects until the lasting effects of the Covid pandemic are known, particularly the effects of changes in road use/homeworking/alternative modes of transport which have been adopted by many over the last 18 months. Also, the increased use of electric vehicles will reduce pollutants along this route which will, in itself, negate some of the environmental arguments used to support the scheme. There are many approaches that should be looked at before committing over £220 million on this scheme - car-sharing schemes, car pool rental, public transport (buses and extension of Metrolink), adequate cycle routes and encouragement of use of e-bikes where commuting distances may put new cyclists off.