Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by James Grant

Date submitted
1 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in south Manchester, and have family in Sheffield and Rotherham so I am familiar with the A57 and A628 routes and the frequent tailbacks that result through Mottram and Glossop, and have sympathy for the residents that have to put up with HGVs and other traffic. I understand the desire for a bypass so that this traffic is diverted away from residiential areas. However I am concerned that in building a bypass the traffic volumes on A57/A628 across the Pennines and through the Peak National Park will increase as a result of induced demand. In particular, this is liley to increase the number of HGVs using these twisty routes which are also used by cyclists, walkers etc Ideally, we should be looking to move the HGV traffic in particular onto the M62 or better yet onto the rail network. Perhaps introducing tolls for (especially) goods vehicles using these two roads would be a better approach to reducing the traffic through Glossop and Mottram?