Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Julie Jerram

Date submitted
4 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a resident of Godley, Hyde I frequently travel on the A57 in the direction of Glossop/ Woodhead Pass. I know that there is serious traffic congestion and that this is a real inconvenience to motorists. Whilst a bypass would alleviate traffic queues and traffic pollution to the residents on the section of the A57 to be bypassed, I believe that the number of residents who would suddenly be exposed to heavy traffic, pollution, speeding, noise nuisance caused by increased traffic volumes would be far greater. I do not believe that adequate impact assessment has taken place specifically on the "downstream" impact of this bypass. It is very likely to increase traffic in the area generally and on this route and I believe that some of these motorists (and lorry drivers) will chose to drive on the A57 from Hyde to Mottram - a road which is lined for approximately 3 miles with houses. I lived on that road for 17 years until March 2021 and I moved house to get away from increasing traffic noises, excessive speeding, lorries going down the road (as an alternative to the M57) at all times of the day and night. I think this problem will get worse as traffic uses all routes to head to the bypass and cross Pennine routes. There same will apply to the A560 between the Mottram/ Hattersley roundabout and Gee Cross. Tameside Council have steadfastly refused to manage traffic on the A57 in Hyde . Their own Highways department have told me that this is due to a lack of funding. I believe that any additional traffic in this area will cause a breach of legal traffic pollution limits placing respiratory health (and other health) of residents at risk. I am also concerned that Tameside Council are proposing to build approximately 23000 houses on Godley Green. There are no proposals to deal with the extra traffic that this will cause to a countryside/ Green belt area. The improved road connections made by the A57 by pass will encourage people to buy houses on Godley Green perhaps, but at a local level, immense congestion will be caused, along with pollution and decimation of Greenbelt land which is heavily used by walkers, cyclists and horse riders. The bypass plans and Godley Green housing development combined will be a catastrophe for all but a very small number of residents and for nature, farms, horses, and sites of Special Scientific Interest. Each project is developed in a silo and furthers the agenda of business and not nature or residents. It is TOTALLY AT ODDS WITH GOVERNMENT PLEDGES TO REDUCE CARBON EMMISSIONS. I repeat that more residents will be exposed to traffic pollution, noise and speeding by increasing the capacity to move traffic in this area, than will benefit. I am extremely opposed to this plan and would also like any proposals to be viewed alongside timing and impact of associated developments - such as the huge Godley Green housing proposals in the same area, The impact on residents of Hyde, Godley, Gee Cross, Mottram and Broadbottom have been completely ignored and overlooked it would seem.