Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Sheila Saunders

Date submitted
9 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

• Derbyshire councils have increased housing and industry/business in the Glossop area increasing traffic on A57 Mottram Moor, but they do not appear to ‘pay’ much for any of the infrastructure i.e. roads in Greater Manchester which their residents/businesses use. • The current plans do not separate the strategic trans-Pennine traffic from local traffic which is surely a necessity for Highways England. The plans seem to be of more benefit to Glossop than the A628 traffic but H.E. pick up the cost. • I cannot understand where some of the traffic flow figures have come from. There seem to be discrepancies between those given by H. E. and those published by Department of Transport. • I believe the plans do not successfully support the Scheme Objectives. Re: TR010034-000112 Connectivity and Societal: local community connectivity will not be significantly altered in Tintwistle and Hollingworth since the hold-up seems to be Jollies corner traffic lights in Mottram village. Residents on Mottram Moor and Back Moor, Mottram will be subject to more traffic using Back Moor. Capacity: The A628 goes to Barnsley and north and central Yorkshire, not just north Sheffield. The A57 Snake Pass is not good for HGVs. There is further development planned for the Westwood roundabout which I haven’t seen mentioned. This bypass will take increasing traffic diverted from M62 when that route has problems. Capacity and Environmental: The loss of Roe Cross roundabout access to the bypass and TMBC plan to reduce Hyde Road speed limit will increase traffic flow on Back Moor as traffic accesses M67. Residents at the junction of Back Moor and Mottram Moor will see very little improvement but potentially worsening of living conditions.