Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Chris Hallam

Date submitted
11 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The road will increase carbon emissions (CPRE report 2017) stated that new roads increase traffic for the given areas by 47% over 20 years. This fails to take into consideration the net zero carbon target of 2050. In addition a decline of U.K. species by 60% from 1970 numbers means that we cannot afford to destroy more habitats for native wildlife. This project while initially thought to be necessary over 20 years ago, nowadays does not have the support locally or need, with the change in working lifestyles since the Covid pandemic. As many have stated this is a Stone Age solution which will have a devastating effect on the area with increased air pollution as a result. The money could be better utilised on improving public transport rather than building this white elephant from a bygone age. On the edge of the Peak District National Park, such developments would impact wildlife and habitats in the park and this cannot be allowed. The Government have pledged to protect 30% of the UK’s land by 2030 to boost biodiversity, but this will do the opposite. This road should not be given approval in light of the global climate crisis, U.K. biodiversity loss and the clear conflict it has with Government pledges.