Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Roger Barrett

Date submitted
12 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Previously I have supported the application, but on examining the information contained in ‘6.5 Environmental Statement Appendix 2.1 Traffic Data’ I now am very much against the bypass going ahead. Highways England’s traffic data shows that, although there are very local improvements in the traffic levels following the bypass’s construction, ie at Mottram Moor, there are very significant increases in traffic levels in many surrounding areas, in particular within Glossop and specifically on Dinting Road where my family and I live. Dinting Road will see an increase in traffic of 46% (1,500 extra vehicles per day), post bypass and several other areas of Glossop will see similar, or worse increases (for example Brookfield sees an increase of 31%, or 4,950 vehicles per day). Even now without the bypass, Dinting Road (along with much of Glossop), suffers from significant traffic issues (volume and speed). An additional 46% of volume on this already struggling road is not something we wish to see and many other areas of Glossop will also suffer. Rather than solving the wider traffic problem, the bypass simply moves it elsewhere at a cost of £200m+. A further concern is that the bypass is being seen by our elected representatives as a magic bullet that solves the area’s traffic problems. As a demonstration of this, High Peak’s MP, a supporter of the bypass, is campaigning for no new housing in Glossopdale until the bypass is built. This is illogical, given that traffic levels will be increased in Glossopdale by the bypass. Unfortunately, the case for improving the area’s traffic has been simplified down to spending a vast sum of public money on a bypass which benefits a small area at the expense of creating much wider problems. The area’s traffic problems are far more complex and, unfortunately, appear to be being ignored – perhaps because building an expensive bypass is relatively easy and politically looks impressive. I would like to register myself as an interested party because the safety of the road I live on will be directly and adversely impacted.