Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Poppy Simon

Date submitted
12 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to register my objection to the proposed A57 Link Roads and encourage the Examination to scrutinise the following issues. I believe the proposed benefits to Mottram will come at the expense of Glossopdale and Longdendale, as well as the Peak District at large. The scheme would increase traffic which in turn would increase air pollution, road traffic accidents and greenhouse gas emissions. The High Peak Borough Council has declared a Climate Emergency - investment should be focused on improving public transport and encouraging walking and cycling to reduce congestion rather than building a destructive new road through the Dark Peak, which was recently reported to be the most degraded upland environment in Europe. It also does not comply with national policies for climate change, and risks contravening national policy that requires trunk road traffic to go round National Parks as well. The scheme involves fragmentation, loss or displacement of diminishing wildlife habitats such as wet grazing meadows and of protected species, such as bats and barn owls. Local countryside, highly valued for its natural undeveloped character and open views, would be urbanised and the Green Belt would be cut in two. The peatlands of the Peak District are the UK's biggest carbon store, however, blanket bogs in poor condition release more carbon than they take in, therefore we should be restoring and protecting the moors of the National Park rather than further destroying it. Highways England should consider a lorry ban combined with sustainable transport options to protect the Peak District.