Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Crossways Commercial Estates Ltd (Crossways Commercial Estates Ltd)

Date submitted
13 September 2021
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Dear Sir/ Madam, I write on behalf of Crossways Commercial Estates Ltd the freehold owners of part of the land affected by the A57 upgrade – land registry reference GM917343. The site comprises the eastern edge of the proposed link road. We support the principle of the A57 bypass, albeit have comments in respect of route alignment in the interests of avoiding sterilising land with development potential. These points have been outlined in our representations to Highways England dated 15th December 2020. The main points of which were as follows: - Support in principle - The need to move the signalised junction southwards at its Woolley Bridge tie in as per 2018 designs. - The need to move the River Etherow crossing further southwards as per 2018 designs. We wish to register our interest and maintain close engagement with the DCO process. Kind Regards, Rob Moore MRICS MRTPI