Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Stuart O'Connor

Date submitted
13 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I stongly oppose the scheme for the following resons: 1. The scheme would increase traffic. The benefits to Mottram come at the expense of the rest of Longdendale and Glossopdale where traffic increases on many residential roads. This does not comply with national policies for climate change and the need to shift from cars to public transport. It also will result in increased polution from increased traffic. 2. The scheme involves fragmentation, loss or displacement of diminishing wildlife habitats such as wet grazing meadows and of protected species, such as bats and barn owls. The impacts on the rich and diverse wildlife are minimised because species are considered only of ‘local value’. Local countryside, highly valued for its natural undeveloped character and open views, would be urbanised and the Green Belt would be cut in two. 3 The Peak District National Park is a haven for everyone in the country. . National policy requires trunk road traffic to go round National Parks.