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Representation by Gregory V Windows

Date submitted
14 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

After waiting for this bypass for 50 years, funding having been secured, it is imperative that the Glossop Bypass goes ahead. It will ease the traffic congestion in Hadfield and reduce back roads used as rat runs on the route. It will also lessen the pollution in built up areas, which is imperative, given the recent health warnings issued by scientists of the effects of pollution buildup trapped in local conurbations. It is vital that the planning department maintains it neutrality in this matter, whilst serving the best interests of the local areas and addressing the needs of the residents and furthermore those from areas slightly further afield, who must travel through these areas, adding to already congested roads. As someone who does use the current route, it would be of benefit to all concerned for you to grant this application. Whilst considering this plan it is also vital that the planning department is not diverted from its cause by idealist, with political agendas and stick with their usual realist views and of people and their everyday needs. Thank you for reading this. Greg Windows.