Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by John Rawicz-Szczerbo

Date submitted
14 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I understand that the Glossop Labour Party have just passed a formal motion opposing the Mottram Bypass & Glossop Spur Road and have committed to “campaign vigorously” against the bypass and have even pledged to donate money towards professional lobbyists efforts to block this badly needed link road. This is clearly yet another naked attempt to scupper the ‘leveling up’ agenda of the UK Government to improve the quality of life for all citizens, in particular to this local community that have been waiting for the Mottram Bypass for over 50 years The commissioned studies show that the Mottram Bypass & Glossop Spur will reduce congestion, improve air quality, and cut journey times. It will make it much easier to get out of Glossop or Hadfield and onto the M67. It will also significantly reduce rat-running through Gamesley and Charlesworth. I have been involved in financing regeneration my entire business career and the effect of properly considered infrastructure in transformative to the economy and citizens it serves. Please do not allow the extreme wing of the Corbyn Supporting Labour party derail a project essential to unlock the economic fortunes of all in the local community of many generations. As an ex-constituent, who until recently was a resident for over 13 years, to deny this long shelved project when the funding is in place to improve the quality of life for all would be bizarre. Please do not allow BAD POLITICAL MIS-REPRESENTATION derail the aspirations and dreams of the local community. Do not pass up on the ability to create economic benefits that will generate new revenues to the Local Authority and improve the Social Care provision in the local community.