Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Andrew Harrison

Date submitted
14 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This bypass is essential not only for us who live in the area but also for businesses. As a local business owner in Glossop i have struggled to recruit employees due to the traffic situation and the problems caused when commuting to the area. We have seen numerous customers miss or be late for meetings at our offices due to the severe delays encountered when travelling in to Glossop via Mottram and the M67. This has had and is still have an impact on my and i am sure many other local businesses. Surely if transport links are improved in an area you can see it will make it more attractive for businesses to consider setting up here. I cannot believe that the Labour party who are supposed to represent working people would even consider opposing this bypass. This will help bring jobs and prosperity to our area and all they seem to be concerned about is point scoring against the conservatives ! The politicians need to start thinking about the people rather than themselves which is clearly what is happening here !