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Representation by Diane Kelly

Date submitted
14 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My family moved [redacted] in 1996 on the back of the knowledge that there was going to be a by-pass built. Here we are 25 years on, after enduring all those years of it taking me at worst 20 minutes to crawl along Woolly Bridge Road and then the madness of crawling up Mottram Moor with drivers cutting in, ITS A NIGHTMARE. So that is what we have had to live with. If I was still working, our “For Sale” sign would have gone up a few years ago, I couldn’t stand the stress. Another factor for the must have by-pass is the massive impact in our area of the unprecedented amount of new housing developments in and around Glossop. Basically Glossop is a one road in and one road out, and has had no infrastructure improvements for the 25 years we have lived here.