Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Kalah Ashdown

Date submitted
14 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

How you can claim the A57 link will relieve congestion through Hollingworth and Tintwistle is laughable! Your decision to construct the A57 link, ignoring the needs, and health, of the people in the villages of Hollingworth and Tintwistle will result in far more traffic. HGV's, and commuting traffic, will use the A57 link, and A628, as a short cut, rather than using the M62. More traffic will result in more carbon emissions - Routinely monitored air quality in Tintwistle has detected an exceedance of the legal limit for nitrogen dioxide - 40g m-3. Your planned A57 link will increase this, impacting the lives of those who live in the village. Not only air quality: I live on Manchester Road in Tintwistle, my living room is 1.5 metres from the road, a road where traffic drives through, every day, exceeding the speed limit of 30 mph. We have no speed cameras or traffic calming measures. These speeding road users, driving erratically through the villages are lethal to pedestrians and cyclists! There is a cheaper solution, one that doesn't require a bypass: *A weight limit on the A628 would redirect heavy traffic back to the road designed to cater for it *Traffic calming measures in the villages *A 20 mph limit through our villages, with pavements outside our homes, looking after the safety of pedestrians Other than this I’d like to hear how you think bringing even more traffic this way will stop these issues?