Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by David Scott

Date submitted
15 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a resident of glossop I spend most of my life sat in traffic either on my way to work or my way home I am disappointed that an objection has been made against the bypass which we have waited for all my life (I'm 42) this objection isn't about what the people of the area want more about what a sad political party who has no supporters what if every time you leave your house for what should be a 15 minute journey u have to leave an extra 15 minutes early just to get out of glossop and then coming home its just luck that nothing has happened around the a57 like a broken down lorry that will have u in a que for maybe 2 hours just to do a 15 minute journey every time you are sat in traffic you are missing time with love ones or not doing something you promised please think about the families that are missing out on things while we are sat in never ending traffic the people who have objected clearly don't live in this area and probably get to eat dinner with their family every evening instead of sitting in a very hot car in summer or a freezing car in winter this opposition is political and not what the people who use the road want