Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Robert Largan MP (Robert Largan MP)

Date submitted
16 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Planning Inspectorate 15 September 2021 Dear Sirs Re: A57 Link Roads Planning Inspectorate Reference: TR010034 As the Member of Parliament for High Peak and as a resident of Glossop, I am registering to become an interested party to formally respond to the consultation on the A57 Link Roads (Mottram Bypass and Glossop Spur). Although the proposed scheme would not be in my constituency, apart from a small section of the Glossop Spur, the scheme will have a large and beneficial effect on the Glossopdale area of my constituency (with the exception of Tintwistle, which I will come to later). There have been traffic problems on the A57/A628, particularly the section from the motorway to the Gun Inn junction in Hollingworth, for decades. A solution has equally been promised for decades - by governments of all colours. At no time, however, has a solution been more necessary than now. Over the past 5 years or so, large increases in house building and approved planning applications for housing developments in both Glossopdale and elsewhere have put additional pressure on the A57/A628. Glossopdale has become more and more popular over the years - unsurprisingly, as it is a fantastic place to live. It's great that more people are discovering how great our area is, but this popularity has brought additional pressures with it, and none more so than the traffic pressure, as more and more people commute to Manchester, Tameside and Stockport - with most of them using the A57 through Mottram. We need the bypass more than ever. I have always fully supported a bypass being built, and I know that support is widespread amongst residents in Glossopdale, with thousands of local people have signed my petition to get the bypass built. Living in Glossop myself and having spent a large amount of time talking to local residents, I believe that there is overwhelming support for the bypass locally. I fully support the proposed scheme. As part of this, I am very pleased that pedestrians and cyclists have been considered at every stage, and I believe that they will be travelling through the area a lot easier and less stressful than at present. Finally, I want to state as strongly as I can that this scheme cannot be the end of the work on the A628. The residents of Tintwistle in my constituency (and Hollingworth, not in my constituency) have lived for decades with heavy traffic going past their front doors - in some cases just a few feet from their front doors. This is bad for their health with all the fumes, it is bad for their sense of community, and it is downright dangerous. Tintwistle residents deserve a break from the unrelenting traffic, air pollution and constant noise. They deserve a bypass too. I will always consider this scheme as only the first phase of what is really needed, and that work towards an urgently needed second phase - around Tintwistle and Hollingworth – must urgently follow these proposals. Yours sincerely Robert Largan MP Member of Parliament for High Peak