Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by David Hogg

Date submitted
16 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Objection to the A57 link road to Glossop It is not an inter-grated plan and fails to deal with the whole infrastructure of the area. It marginally addresses congestion in Mottram however fails to address the congestion and free movement of traffic in Tintwistle, Hollingworth and Glossop and across the Peak District. Does not solve the problem of traffic in Hollingworth and Tintwistle. Roads are narrow and bordered by housing communities. It fails to address traffic reduction and the separation of traffic from local communities and housing as more traffic will be generated due to the increased level of housing development across Glossopdale and the surrounding area. It will shift the traffic problem to Glossop which does not have the infrastructure to cope with increased traffic as it passes through the centre of the town creating a significant conflict of interests. It will Lead to a bottleneck and congestion in centre of Glossop at the crossroads by the Norfolk inn. Already an issue. Remember this plan will increase the quantity of traffic travelling between Sheffield and Manchester on the snake pass. This is not a suitable major routeway due to weather conditions and narrowness of the carriageway and the notorious dangers of this road. The A57/snake pass is one of the most dangerous roads in the county and country with numerous serious and fatal accidents. Frequent winter closures because of the altitude of the road clearly does not address a long-term solution. More traffic will be attracted to the Snake pass route which cannot accommodate additional traffic nor is the route suitable for large quantities of HGV’s and intercity traffic. Currently the centre of Glossop is very congested as it is at the moment and it will further split the community Does not take account of other road users. No provision for cycle lanes, pedestrians or parking for householders with terraced houses and therefore requiring on street parking. Does not offer any traffic calming measures. Goes against current policies on reducing the environmental impact of traffic for local residents and the wider community. Increases the environmental impact on the national park and goes against current policy on reducing noise and air pollution. An inter-grated plan for the whole area is require