Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Richard Hawker

Date submitted
16 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to this road scheme. As a nation, we should not be squandering our depleted financial resources on such schemes, which, on past performance, alleviate congestion for a short few years, and then another 'relief' scheme is deemed necessary. The government has committed to tackling climate change - a legal obligation now - and building new roads can only increase carbon emissions, due to both construction and operation. It will be decades before all road transport is electric, so that is no solution to the climate emergency. This is a beautiful part of the country, on the edge of the peak district. We should not be encroaching on this land at all; it is precious, and we take such places for granted in this incredibly varied country of ours. Once we have destroyed the landscape, it can never be restored. Other countries, with mile and miles of featureless (as in Poland and Hungary for instance) must think we are mad to build roads on these areas. Most traffic is cars; the government's stated aim to achieve a 'modal shift' from cars to public transport. This will not be achieved by spending money building roads which benefit cars much more than buses. END