Back to list A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Representation by Trustees of Mrs E Bissill’s Marriage Settlement (Trustees of Mrs E Bissill’s Marriage Settlement )

Date submitted
16 September 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Ref: TR010034 We do not object to the principle of the A57 Link Roads however we have a number of objections to the proposals. We engaged through the consultation process and our client submitted a consultation response but we have not received a response. We requested a meeting to discuss the scheme but no meeting has been forthcoming. Our objections are as follows: Excessive land take • We have not been provided with clarity on the extent of land to be permanently acquired and request that Highways England demonstrate the need for the permanent land take, specifically the landscaping/planting areas. • A large area of the land below the new road will be used for temporary compound purposes. We require detail of the proposed access and use of this compound. • We note that an attenuation pond and watercourse are to be created, and rights of way diverted. Confirmation of the future ownership of these areas is required. • Land Plan - 2 of 10 shows (2/1i, 2/1g, 2/1a, 1/9a & 1/9b) areas of temporary land take with permanent rights acquired. We request details of the permanent rights together with the justification for these rights. Excessive rights being acquired • A right of way is reserved for maintaining ecology mitigation. The route shown is not an acceptable route for this purpose. We require clarity on the proposed right of way and why it is necessary in that location. • We request that Highways England demonstrate the need for the diverted and excessive rights of way which will have a detrimental impact on the farming of the land. Farming /business impact We require more information regarding the proposed fencing, drainage, farm access and underpass to assess the impact on the land and farming business. • We note that the width of the underpass is stated to be 3.5m wide, there are no height measurements. We require a full specification of the underpass proposed. • We require confirmation that a legal unrestricted right of access will be provided for the use of the underpass. • Field drainage is not shown on the culvert and drainage drawings. We require confirmation that a field drainage scheme will be designed and implemented by a specialist agricultural drainage contractor. • There are currently four culverted crossing points over the Hurstclough Brook. We require confirmation that these access points will remain Residential property • Old Mill Farmhouse is situated approximately 185m from the new road. The farmhouse is in very close proximity and there will be a significantly detrimental impact on the residential amenity. • We have not received any details relating to the proposed mitigation measures in respect of noise, light and vibration. • We request a copy of the EIA which covers noise, light and vibration impacts. We require details of mitigation measures proposed for noise, light and vibration. We are willing to discuss the above matters with Highways England with a view to seeking a satisfactory conclusion for both parties, but until such time as a satisfactory conclusion is reached, this objection remains extant.