
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 901 to 909 of 909 representations, newest first.

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  • Ruth George

    As county councillor for Whaley Bridge and Chinley I am concerned at an increase in traffic on the A624, including the dangerous junction at Chinley As a local resident I am concerned at the projected... Read more

  • Sharefirst My Journey to School (Sharefirst My Journey to School)

    • What measures are in place to reduce predicted accidents increases? • More detail on design widths of multi-user paths would be welcome, especially if bi-directional and shared by various... Read more

  • Sheffield Green Party (Sheffield Green Party)

    We believe that a reduction in road transport and radical moves towards a transport network based largely on public transport is essential to meet the challenges of air pollution and climate change.... Read more

  • Stuart Daly

    The uninterrupted row of traffic is beneficial to the economy and the environment.

  • Transport Action Network (Transport Action Network)

    Transport Action Network (TAN) wishes to register its objection to the A57 Link Roads scheme for the following reasons: The proposed scheme will increase traffic which will increase pressure for more... Read more

  • Savills (Savills ) on behalf of Trustees of Mrs E Bissill’s Marriage Settlement (Trustees of Mrs E Bissill’s Marriage Settlement )

    Ref: TR010034 We do not object to the principle of the A57 Link Roads however we have a number of objections to the proposals. We engaged through the consultation process and our client submitted a... Read more

  • Victoria Gaffney

    The Highways England figures show the new spur road - not bypass as was originally proposed - will increase congestion on roads in Glossopdale, and increase accidents on Snake Pass, which would have a... Read more

  • Zara Fernley

    I believe the Examination should scrutinise issues including increased air pollution and subsequent health issues caused by this in the Glossop area, the proposed destruction of greenbelt land,... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Please find attached Natural England’s Relevant Representation for TR010034 as part of our registering our interest.