
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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Showing 476 to 500 of 909 representations, newest first.

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  • Keiran Jones

    We need this bypass to go ahead. It affects our lives far more than it does yours. Day-by-day this traffic gets worse and without a way for residents to get out and to work efficiently, glossop and... Read more

  • Lisa Barber

    This bypass is needed desperately. 30 minutes to go 2 miles is ridiculous. Driving RRP and from work is painful, stressful and has caused me panic attacks. The people that oppose this have never... Read more

  • Liz Wood

    I do not agree with the proposed bypass. I do not believe it will reduce traffic around Glossop, I believe it will increase it due to 'perceived' better traffic flow. We need to review other options,... Read more

  • Liz Young

    The traffic through Hollingworth is ridiculous! The bypass must go ahead just to ease congestion in Hollingworth.

  • Margaret Dillon

    We need this by-pass because we wait a long time to turn onto our estate because of all the traffic. Not just cars but all the big lorries hurtling past. It is horrendous waiting in the traffic queues... Read more

  • Margaret Mulheran

    The proposed changes should NOT go ahead. The idea of a by pass is antiquated. Cars need to be taken OFF the road and rail and bus services need to return to public ownership. TAKE CLIMATE CHANGE... Read more

  • Matt Dinnery

    I live in Manchester and work in Glossop. I also need to visit Elsecar regularly. I am in support of the bypass.

  • Michaela Bromley

    Road accidents would increase (102 more collisions over 60 years) across the network. However on the A57 Snake Pass, a high risk road for a fatal or serious injury crash, there would be 160 extra... Read more

  • Mike Chetham

    A completely superfluous link road. Unnecessary waste of money. Spend the money on the cross Pennine rail link. People drive because public transport is unreliable. Improve cross Pennine rail and you... Read more

  • Mike Reape

    Any Glossop and surrounding areas resident knows how vital the A57 link road is to ensuring a better quality of life. For a town that largely depends on travel into Greater Manchester, current journey... Read more

  • Neal Linsky

    I'm in favour of the A57 link road as it will ease congestion at the end of the M67 at Hattersley and uphill from Hollingworth to Mottram. It will make journey times much quicker and less fuel will be... Read more

  • Neil Yoxall

    This bypass needs to be completed, the congestion locally needs to be addressed and this application is the first stage of improving terrible roads in the area. There have been huge developments for... Read more

  • Pamela Bartolomeo

    Please, please, we need this By-pass. The travel out and in to Glossop is a nightmare, with traffic. I work for the NHS and at times have to leave a hour before l should do, for the distance to make... Read more

  • Patricia Gyongyosi

    I travel weekly to my son's home in Diggle and regularly have delays. I'm sure the homes in the area would appreciate a by-pass to stop the pollution (noise and fumes). The large vehicles struggle to... Read more

  • Paul Hitchen

    I support the bypass construction to alleviate the horrendous traffic problems in Glossop and at the end of the M67. The plans and consultation has been exhaustive. Further delays will cause prolonged... Read more

  • Pete Gaskell

    The scheme will really only have value for Glossop residents once the second phase is completed. Until that element is resolved I cannot, as a Glossop resident, endorse the first phase.

  • Peter Smith

    I was born in and lived in Glossop all my life and I can honestly say the traffic problem Has become progressively worse over the years Indeed it has become so bad that when I meat people from outside... Read more

  • Philip Anderson

    A total bypass is needed, not part of one, a bypass running from the M67 Mottram Roundabout passing Mottram, Hollingsworth and Tintwistle and connecting to the A 628 offen called the Woodhead , the... Read more

  • Phoebe Campbell

    I support the bypass. It would improve traffic within Glossop town centre which during the week is impossible for those who live here to use. The air quality of our town centre would be improved, and... Read more

  • Professor Michael Corcoran

    My concern is that the proposed scheme, taken together with other National Highways’ proposed schemes, would have consequences that run counter to the UK’s commitment to reduce the emissions of global... Read more

  • Rachael Chard

    I fully support the proposed Mottram moor bypass and believe it will bring much benefit to the area, reducing journey times and air pollution. The existing infrastructure is not fit for purpose and... Read more

  • Richard Dean

    This A57 link Road is long, long overdue. The queues of traffic in both directions are appalling. How many hours are wasted by drivers and passengers sitting in the current congestion? Having commuted... Read more

  • Rod Martin

    We need a bypass to stop 1,000s of HGVs thundering through the village as well to take the Glossop traffic away. It will significantly improve quality of air and thus life in Mottram

  • Sarah Carter

    the bypass that should be phase 1 should be the one that bypasses mottram hollingworth and tintwistle, Why are we STILL waiting for funding for “phase 2” phase 1 has taken 50 years and probably won’t... Read more

  • Shabnam Rani

    I would like to voice my opposition to these plans because I do not think they offer good value for money for UK taxpayers. Recent studies by Highways Magazine have shown that similar schemes have... Read more