
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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Showing 776 to 800 of 909 representations, newest first.

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  • Barry Ward

    I’ve lived in glossop for all of my life and all that time it’s been an absolute nightmare to get in or get out of glossop. Whilst all of the various vehicles queue up to get in or out and having... Read more

  • Bill Jubb

    The HGV traffic which leaves the motorway at Mottram is intolerable and has been increasing since it was opened in the late 1960's. The original plan was for it to go to Sheffield and the cost was... Read more

  • Brian Mallalieu

    Having wasted too long on a number of occasions just sitting or creeping up Mottram Hill (unnecessarily polluting the atmosphere!) trying to reach the motorway, I am appalled at the utter disregard... Read more

  • Cadent Gas Limited (WITHDRAWN) (Cadent Gas Limited (WITHDRAWN))

    Please refer to representation and documents submitted to

  • Colin O'Flaherty

    I Object to the Scheme for the reasons below. I believe it shifts the traffic from one location to another and doesn't solve the problem. the traffic benefits to Mottram come at the expense of others.... Read more

  • Dan Reeds

    I support this bypass. It has been known to be required for the last few decades and its continued delay is causing continued traffic issues to the surrounding areas. Regards,

  • Daniel Cornwell

    I have lived in Glossop for the past twenty years plus (off and on) and this bypass MUST be started on time. Otherwise the traffic will continue to grow and the links from Manchester Eastwards are not... Read more

  • Darren Jones

    The proposal does little to improve the traffic passing through Tintwistle. In fact it makes the route more attractive to through traffic and may increase the number of vehicles on the road.

  • David Baines

    I represent myself as someone who uses this route when travelling from Buxton to reach the M60 and go northwards. I have used this route over 30 years and observed the congestion getting worse, so I... Read more

  • David F May

    I support the building of the A57 Link Roads to help ease traffic congestion in the Longdendale Valley and Glossop area.

  • David Kirkwood

    I have lived in the broad vicinity of this proposed scheme (A57 Link Road/Mottram bypass) for over 30 years and am well aware of the serious traffic congestion this scheme aims to alleviate and the... Read more

  • David Morgan

    Concern over the increase of traffic through Hollingworth and Tintwistle and the impact on air quality in these villages as a result of the proposed link roads. The proposed scheme should enable... Read more

  • David Scott

    As a resident of glossop I spend most of my life sat in traffic either on my way to work or my way home I am disappointed that an objection has been made against the bypass which we have waited for... Read more

  • Della Fahy

    I am for the bye pass to go ahead. I live in Broadbottom , at certain times of the day our road is like a motorway. The cars using our village as a cut through do not always follow the speed limit and... Read more

  • Della Leddy

    I am a local resident of Hadfield and Glossop, and have been waiting a very, very long time for the Mottram Bypass, in fact for over 50 years for this to come to fruition. I believe the funding has... Read more

  • Duncan Adam Rimmer

    It is vital that the bypass is built as soon as possible. Due process has been done over many years, so there should be no delays pampering to extreme views.

  • Elizabeth Hughes

    The bypass needs to go ahead as currently planned as soon as possible. The traffic around Glossop and the surrounding areas is intolerable and must have a detrimental effect on peoples' health, mental... Read more

  • Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland )

    We object to the scheme for the following reasons: 1. Over 60 years the scheme would add an extra 399,867 tonnes carbon dioxide. Carbon emissions must be tested against international and national... Read more

  • Gale Blackburn

    This road will not solve the snarl up of traffic on Mottram Moor The governments road building schemes are by now most likely illegal under the Paris Climate Agreement and there can be no case for it... Read more

  • Gareth Vaughan

    After the amount of tax already spent on this project over several years of planning, and the continuous building of housing in the High Peak, the amount of heavy goods traffic coming over the A57 to... Read more

  • Gillian Mellor

    This relief road as been promised for many years and yet again some one wants to stop it. It would be a great improvement to the area as the air quality would improve and there wouldn't be the... Read more

  • Graeme Shackleton

    I back the bypass because current traffic is really bad takes me an extra hour to get to work

  • Graham Beaumont

    I feel that the land taken from me [redacted] will be excessive, And I do not wish to sell anymore land than that is needed for the link road to sit on only. I can understand that some land may be... Read more

  • Graham Preston

    To borrow a quote from the Chair of the Glossopdale Labour Party Branch [redacted] "Peter Allen, Chair of the Glossopdale Labour Party Branch, said: “Everybody recognises the dilemma people are in. On... Read more

  • Heather Rodrigues

    We Object to the Road being built, it will not help us in Tintwistle, we live on [redacted], which is currently 40 mph speed limit, which the HGV's don't normally do more like 6o MPH and when your... Read more