
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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  • Dean Grantham

    We need a bypass now

  • Debbie Seel

    The Mottram bypass (A57 to A628) and Glossop spur (A57) are the works being considered. The A628 and Mottram section of A57 carry more heavy goods vehicles than any other A road in the country. It... Read more

  • Dennis Smith

    The A57 Link Road will relieve the very heavy traffic congestion that daily travels along the current A57. It will also give rise to improved air quality to all the surrounding area bordering the... Read more

  • Diane Wilson

    I have lived in Mottram for 5 years. We need the bypass. Traffic is held up outside my house all the time, lots of air pollution from the standing ttraffic, not to mention the noise and then the... Read more

  • Douglas Pickford

    To experience the traffiç connection in Glossop demonstrates the urgent need for them by pass

  • Dr Peter Spencer

    We have waited so long for a bypass - it must go ahead. The local traffic conditions are blighting peoples lives and a bypass would resolve a very long-standing congestion problem.

  • Duncan Brierley

    Access to Greater Manchester and the motorway network west of Glossop is currently hindered by a severe bottleneck along the A57 particularly from Dinting to Mottram. This is further exacerbated where... Read more

  • Elaine Hall

    We have been waiting decades for this bypass and in that time the village has seen a huge increase in the volume of traffic passing through it, especially with the countless number of houses being... Read more

  • Gayle Roberts

    I am in favour of the by-pass. The traffic is horredous at times. Sometimes getting out of Glossop can take 1.5 hours, and at times I have turned around and come home, missing appointments. Since... Read more

  • Gerald Tootell

    The delay on this proposed project has gone on far to long, Glossop has flourished with expansion of retail, industry and housing without the road facilities to accommodate the needs.

  • Glen Curtis

    Seriously, in this day and age how have no improvements been made to this notorious traffic hot-spot? It is known throughout the country - when someone askes you where you live and you tell them... Read more

  • Gordon Wellens

    Been needed for 50 years I lived in Glossop for over Twenty years and I have moved because of the nightmare of getting out of Glossop and reaching the M67. I can not understand why so short sighted... Read more

  • Hannah Laxton

    I live in Glossop and journeys take far longer than they should - both for work and pleasure. This is incredibly stressful and time consuming and wasting precious hours of our lives: time better spent... Read more

  • J S Mills

    As someone who was born in Mottram more than 70 years ago I am aware of how long this process has been going on for and how badly it is needed. The traffic delays on Mottram Moor are intolerable and... Read more

  • James Barnes

    I have lived in the area for over 50 years. I was aware of plans to build a bypass as a small boy. This road is long over due. I have been driving for over 30 years and I have seen quite roads turn... Read more

  • James Birnie

    I lived in this area since 1984 during that before I retired travelling to work in Manchester for 31 years.This is probably the worst place for traffic I have ever experienced anywhere in my... Read more

  • James Croly

    With the continued building of new properties in the Glossopdale area is now more important than ever to ease the stain on our already struggling road network! Due to over population of the area the... Read more

  • James Paul Street

    Its been needed for 30 years plus. When I first moved to the area getting to the M67 took about 11/12 minutes. Now its 20 mins plus, can be much longer. Too many houses built in Glossopdale over the... Read more

  • Jane Scott

    Pre and post pandemic I have sat in stationary traffic on the M67 towards Glossop and then on Mottram Moor towards Manchester on my return. The air pollution caused by this unnecessary build up of... Read more

  • Janet Bingham

    The Mottram Bypass & Glossop Spur Road is desperately needed. Getting out of Glossop by car towards Manchester is an ordeal with massive queues at all times of the day. Woolley Bridge is a particular... Read more

  • Janet Mills

    I have lived in the Gamesley area for 52 yrs now, so have seen the changes in the amount of traffic on local roads. House building has also increased enormously, and is still increasing by the day,... Read more

  • Jennifer Wellens

    I lived in Glossop for 20years and the road infrastructure was outrageous. Back Moor was constantly blocked and I would travel through Hattersley, Gamesley and Charlesworth to get to and from my home... Read more

  • John Bottomley

    I fully support this application as it will reduce the congestion through Glossop.

  • John Hewitt

    As a lifelong resident of Hadfield in Derbyshire, I would like to register my interest in this planning process. Most of my working life has included travel from Hadfield to Manchester and beyond so... Read more

  • Julie Haigh

    Glossop is a dormitory town with very few facilities within the town. A huge amount of new houses have been built in this area over recent years with no improvements to the road system and this has... Read more