
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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Showing 51 to 100 of 909 representations, newest first.

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  • Eric Eaton

    The A628 Woodhead Pass has long been the M62 alternative to cross the Pennines carrying many tons of freight and vehicles to support the Northern trade infrastructure. Unfortunately the traffic passes... Read more

  • Eric G D Parker

    I have lived in Hadfield for about 40 years. For a large part of that I had to commute through Hollingworth and Mottram. There was talk of a Mottram bypass when I first started that crawl to & from... Read more

  • Eric Hilton

    We NEED this bypass - if you lived in Glossop and travelled out and back during the week - you would feel the same - its long long long overdue !,

  • Fountain Bathrooms (Fountain Bathrooms)

    Congestion is appalling, the constant desire for more new housing in Glossop and area is putting an impossible strain on the road infrastructure , the schooling and other amenities such as sewage ,... Read more

  • Gail Jeanette Haycock

    This road is very much needed to make the local area safer for the villages of Hollingworth and Mottram.

  • George Peck

    I have the problem of using A57 mottram moor for 60 + Yes whilst various properties have acquire d In other to build a bypass all to no avail ,instead more property is built in and around Glossop... Read more

  • Gillian Shaw

    I fully understand the reason for the bypass and give my support. The traffic in end out of Glossop is congested and travel to work means setting off early and getting home very late. This has an... Read more

  • Gordon Phillips

    Traffic problems have increased so travelling is horrendous.

  • Graham Cox

    In 1972 /73 they built the Denton/Hyde bypass can we finally have it finished My copd is so bad due to the pollution that I'm thinking of moving after 40+ living here

  • Grahame Parsons

    My representation main points are: 1. Currently the traffic flow between the end of the M67 and Mottram and beyond is absolutely abysmal for commuters in both directions causing major regular hold-ups... Read more

  • Gwyn Pritchard-Williams

    The current route is major bottleneck and needs alleviation The delays up Mottram Moore are notious and have been for many years so I cannot understand the logic of opposing the by-pass

  • Heather Sheridan

    I support the bypass. Having lived in the area for many years and having had to sit traffic jams and the subsequent car pollution on a daily basis in order to get to and from work the bypass is... Read more

  • High Peak Steels Ltd (High Peak Steels Ltd)

    I support the application, the town has been crying out for a bypass, my company runs 8 trucks out of Glossop and have to leave 1 hour earlier every day to guarantee getting to their first drop on... Read more

  • James Hawthorn Wylie

    This needs to happen now. I moved here in 2000 and the bypass was then desperately needed. The need has only become more evident with higher through traffic volumes plus local traffic volume increases... Read more

  • Jane Kelly

    We desperately need the bypass for the people of Glossop. The traffic is heavily congested getting in and out of Glossop and it’s causes lots of problems for the local people getting to work and... Read more

  • Janice Margaret Zielinski

    I am a resident living [redacted], we struggle with the congestion and pollution daily. Yes I support the bypass

  • Jason Lester

    [redacted] the amount of traffic going and coming out of Glossop is ridiculous. The roads are just not able to cope with the amount. Also the pollution being omitted from traffic is causing health... Read more

  • Jean Kitching

    We desperately need this bypass. If Glossop is to expand and thrive the infrastructure needs to be upgraded. I am fed up sitting in traffic and queuing for over 40 mins to get home. The pollution is... Read more

  • Jean Simcock

    This bypass has been needed and promised for a number of years now. If you work in Manchester you need to leave home before 7am to arrive at work for 9.00. Public transport is practically non existent... Read more

  • Jeffrey White

    I consider the A57 Link Roads planned are essential to ease the horrendous daily congestion through Mottram and enable am improved traffic flow to and from Glossop to the Motorway. There must be... Read more

  • Jennifer Littlewood

    I support the Mottram Bypass. Lifelong user of this road and have seen over 40 years the traffic get worse and bigger and dirtier and noisier. Action is needed now. I am in firm support for the... Read more

  • Jennifer Nelstrop

    Currently the considerable queuing leads to considerable pollution and nuisance over a considerable area. A by pass would greatly reduce the overall environmental impact and pollution.

  • Jenny Morris

    I can't believe we are being asked this yet again. I have been waiting for this bypass for the majority of my adult life. I am now almost 58 years old and suspect I will be dead before central govt... Read more

  • Jo Galvin

    We are in desperately need to have the by pass We have been in desperate need of this bypass for years and over the years our traffic problems have substantially increased. Now at last we have a real... Read more

  • Joan Carr

    The bypass will improve local traffic and the pollution rates that come with excessive traffic. Also, transport links in and out of Glossop via road will be more reliable. Combined with the likely... Read more

  • Joan Joyce

    I agree with the plan for the Mottram Bypass and Glossop Spur Road. I am 70 years old and have seen the traffic increase over the past 50 years. It is time to try and sort this problem of traffic jams... Read more

  • Joe Cuddy

    I fully support the building of the proposed bypass due to the mind numbing time it takes to get back to my home in Glossop. Today 20/08/2021 I travelled back from the lake district, it took just over... Read more

  • John Acton

    Glossopdale is an isolated number of villages & a town that has been cut off from its main centre of commerse, Greater Manchester, by the A57 which has been inadequate for approx 60 years.The traffick... Read more

  • John Kappes

    A bypass for Glossop, Woolly Bridge is of the utmost importance to relieve the congestion on the road. For too long residents have had to endure pollution from standing traffic and over long car... Read more

  • John Powell

    Quicker the bypass is built the better glossop we be owing that there are a lot of houses going up in Glossopdale We desperately need the bypass

  • John Scampion

    I have used this road to travel to work in Manchester and to visit friends and relatives there. It is a nightmare and sometimes to avoid it I drive miles out of my way. I fully support this proposal.

  • John White

    Glossop has massively outgrown its capacity to allow its residents to move around the town. Houses keep going up, more people come to live here and the town is becoming gridlocked with cars almost... Read more

  • John Wrigh

    The By Pass is necessary to alleviate the congestion around Mottram Moor and Brookdale It’s necessary for the environment cutting pollution

  • Joyce Pegg

    There's too much traffic and too many new builds for the roads. The traffic in glossop is horrendous and getting worse. There are more than a hundred neww houses planned opposite dining railway... Read more

  • Julian Bartolomeo

    Please let's get it done. It can sometimes take 2 hours to get from Glossop to Ashton due to traffic

  • Karen Parker

    Glossop is a lovely town but the feeder roads into it are blocked by traffic going from Sheffield to Manchester over the Woodhead pass, especially HGV lorries which should not be allowed. ( they... Read more

  • Karen Woodward

    Families have been waiting for this for decades In the meantime the traffic has got worse no matter what time you try & drive out of glossop you have to queue up mottram more which creates massive... Read more

  • Kathryn Barnes

    I live near Mottram and a bypass is needed to many lorry’s and trucks all Week all day

  • Kay Hearsum

    Glossop has waited over 60 years for this bypass to go ahead and with all the extra houses being built in the area roads are busier than ever with backed up traffic and congestion. I really hope that... Read more

  • Kay Taylor

    I have been using this route for nearly 50 years, on and off, and I dread it. I have wasted countless hours stuck in barely moving traffic trying to get on and off the Mottram end of the M67, and then... Read more

  • Keith Bolton

    I have lived in the area for over 40 years (Mottram and Glossop) and have a long experience of the traffic problems at the end of the M67, and before the motorway was built in travelling through Hyde... Read more

  • Keith R Smart

    For many decades, the traffic congestion getting in and out of Glossop has been horrendous, and is getting worse, year on year. Much needed homes are being built in the area, but with them of course... Read more

  • Keith Walker

    This by pass is long overdue. More and more houses are being built in the area without updating the road structure. There are only 3 small bridges giving access to Glossop and heaven forbid the main... Read more

  • Kerry Morris

    In favour of spur and bypass. Anything to reduce the congestion when a whole valley of comuters tries to cross a single mini roundabout and bridge every morning.

  • Kieran Marshall

    I agree to the bypass as it will help traffic flow massively through Glossop in and out it’s been busy for far to long

  • Lee Coffey

    I am in full support of the bypass being built to ease congestion in the local area. The bypass has needed building for decades and with the current and future housing developments planned the people... Read more

  • Leigh Hughes

    The M67 should never have been allowed to terminate where it meets the A57, north of Hattersley. Traffic coming off the motorway joins the flow on the A-road heading towards Glossop, which must pass... Read more

  • Levi Haden-Lubeck

    Dear Sir / madam, With regards to the urgently needed Glossop / Mottram Bypass, as a local of the area, for the entirety of my life our local roads have been clogged and crippled by the sheer volume... Read more

  • Louise Isherwood

    I sit in awful traffic everyday, I was born here and lived her all my Life. It’s ok for labour to challenge this but perhaps they need to spend an hour every time they want to leave the area and then... Read more

  • Mags Baron

    This link road HAS to go ahead. I have worked outside the Glossop area for over 30 years and have wasted well over a year of my life trying to get into and out of Glossop , not just at peak times but... Read more