
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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  • Simon Unwin

    This bypass has been discussed for 50 years. Needs building now

  • Sophie Leech

    This bypass is needed so much by local people just as much as other users. The congestion and air quality is extremely poor in the Mottram / Tintwistle and Hadfield areas. There are poor connections... Read more

  • Stephen Darragh

    The delays are unacceptable. For this to continue would be ludicrous given there is apparent funding. The people of the village deserve a quiet road and the people that wish to travel on wood head... Read more

  • Stephen Marsden

    People have campaigned for years to get this bypass built. The pollution and congestion in Glossop from HGV's passing through constantly throughout the day is unfair and has no benefit to the local... Read more

  • Stuart Braddock

    The bypass is badly needed we have waited.and waited long enough he with brocken promises so its now time too keep the promise and build what is so badly needed

  • Stuart Elliott

    I am appalled by the High Peak Labour Party's decision to campaign against the absolutely necessary Mottram by-pass, something that needed doing for almost 50 years, but year-on-year traffic between... Read more

  • Stuart O'Connor

    I stongly oppose the scheme for the following resons: 1. The scheme would increase traffic. The benefits to Mottram come at the expense of the rest of Longdendale and Glossopdale where traffic... Read more

  • Susan fridlington

    Try to drive through glossop at any time, especially during the weekday and you realise why this is needed

  • Tim Hoggard

    This bypass is vital to our areas infrastructure and is long overdue.Anyone concerned about environmental impact please consider the effects of all the queuing traffic emitted fumes for several hours... Read more

  • Zhiyuan Shao

    The bypass will hugely reduce the traffic and we have been waiting this bypass for 50 years.

  • Zoë Walker

    I live [redacted] and will be directly affected both positively and negatively by the link road. Negatively because it will turn up in the immediate view of the front of our house but positive because... Read more

  • Adam Frith

    Development of infrastructure within the High Peak is critical. Our roads are aged and upgrades are needed right across the area.

  • Alan Bradley

    I was born in Glossop and remember the traffic in the 1950/60s, The streets and roads where originally for the horse and cart. How can anyone from Glossop not want the new road link

  • Alan Culley

    I fully support the construction of the bypass and spur road, for the following reasons. I have lived in Glossop for 20 years and I regularly used the A628 both for business and personal use. The... Read more

  • Alan McGovern

    I am a local resident, having moved to Glossop in 1971 following assurances that a bypass was due to be built in order to relieve the traffic problems in Glossop. The stress of the daily rush hour... Read more

  • Alan Richard Hardy

    The bypass is necessary to reduce pollution and wasted time.

  • Alan Scapens

    I support the provision of the Mottram Bypass & Glossop Spur Road as it will help improve severe traffic congestion and improve local air quality.

  • Alastair Knox

    When I came to this area in 1970 it was difficult to get round Mottram and Glossop. 50 years later is many times worse. I avoid the area if I can as movement through it is so difficult. When I was... Read more

  • Albert Slater

    In Emergency it would speed up Emergency services such as Ambulances.

  • Alison O’Brien

    This area desperately needs a bypass and has done for years. There is a constant traffic jam and the fumes must be horrendous. I use the Woodhead pass regularly and beyond the Gun Inn is always jammed... Read more

  • Allan Harrison

    The bypass is needed and has been needed for decades. People travelling through Longdendale have a right to free passage and the people living on the present route need less disruption and pollution

  • Allan Kerrigan

    I do not believe this work should go ahead as planned. The communities in and around Glossop, Hadfield, Mottram and Tintwhistle deserve a proper bypass that seperates the flows of traffic heading... Read more

  • Allen Critchlow Allsop

    Improving traffic flow in the area has to be a priority for those who live in the area.

  • Amanda Linfoot

    When working for a large health charity I used to frequently travel from Bamford (and Sheffield when I lived there) to many areas in the Northwest. There was always a bottleneck around the area adding... Read more

  • Amanda Wiseman

    As a resident living [redacted] Glossop I fully support the building of the long awaited by-pass. The queues of traffic in both directions are unbearable and will only get worse with all the new... Read more