
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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  • David Brookes

    After a 50 year wait this road and second phase must be built

  • David Eglin

    I fully agree with the Green Party submision with the following additional comments. The rail link through Woodhead should be recreated. Ever since Buchanan (1968) we know that road "improvements"... Read more

  • David Flavell

    Whilst I am not currently living in the Glossop area, I am aware of the congestion around the A57 and the A628 having lived in Hadfield for over 30 years. I recall that some mornings it would take me... Read more

  • David John Ninnis

    I support the planning application

  • David Lenehan

    Traffic congestion and environmental / clean air will only get worse around the whole surrounding area unless steps are taken to reduce this

  • David Ripley

    For business and pleasure I have travelled through the congested Mottram and top of the M67 for 40 years on a regular business. At least 30 mins of my life is wasted every evening I use the roads not... Read more

  • David Spiers

    see attached

  • David Townsley

    I feel that the bypass/spur is much needed and should go ahead. It will alleviate the terrible traffic congestion in the Glossopdale area and assist the smoother flow of rush hour traffic onto the... Read more

  • David Wetters

    The road is an essential development of the local infrastructure

  • Dean Wilson

    I am for the bypass. I struggle getting out and in to Glossop and it makes my commute to Manchester nearly an hour long. More houses are being built, more traffic. The roads aren’t suitable and action... Read more

  • Deborah J Apperley

    This by-pass has been on hold for far too long there is no reason why it shouldn’t be built the local council keeps building houses but we are choking on pollution daily. If the rail link hadn’t been... Read more

  • Deborah Pitman

    I am mostly concerned about the embedded carbon in this project. Traffic will increase considerably. Pollution will increase. It does not fit with the climate emergency we are facing. More efforts to... Read more

  • Denise Gregg-Smythe

    Register an interest to agree the bypass A57 link road to proceed. I am a resident of Hollingworth and the constant heavy goods vehicles and traffic flow is not healthy for children, the elderly and... Read more

  • Dennis Wilkinson

    Remove traffic hold ups out of glossop. Reduce pollution for local residents

  • Denys G Froehlich

    Outline:- Time, money, Pollution. road safety I am almost 60.I have lived in the area for all of my life. I lived in Tintwistle until I was 25 when I moved to Hadfield. I like living in this area. I... Read more

  • Derek Baxter

    These road improvements are urgently needed and decades overdue with a vast majority of local people in full support.

  • Diane Kelly

    My family moved [redacted] in 1996 on the back of the knowledge that there was going to be a by-pass built. Here we are 25 years on, after enduring all those years of it taking me at worst 20 minutes... Read more

  • Doug Stott

    Traffic around the Gunn Inn is horrendous most times of the day, and pollution levels totally unacceptable.

  • Dr Michael Morris

    As someone who lives in the valley and works in South Manchester, I have a keen personal interest in the ability to easily get in and out of the valley which is currently hampered by the volume of... Read more

  • Dr Nicholas Stevens

    I have lived in Glossop since 2002 and have commuted to Manchester for work by train and by car, and used the local roads to take my family shopping and to take my children to use sports and leisure... Read more

  • E J Donbaavnd

    I have lived in either the Simmondley or Charlesworth area since 1982. During that time the volume of traffic, associated congestion and inevitable delays on the M67, A57 and Mottram Moor area have... Read more

  • Edward Hazelwood

    I fully support the A57 link roads plan. This is long overdue and will vastly improve current traffic conditions, and in the future with electric vehicles will reduce congestion. Any attempt to o... Read more

  • Elaine Dunkerley

    Since I was a child in the 1960s there has been a need for a solution to the traffic congestion into and out of Glossop along the A57. Following the many deliberations and research over the past 50... Read more

  • Elaine Ellingham

    I have been a regular user of the road through Mottram and have found it to be gridlocked at all times of the day not just the rush hour.

  • Elsie Gleadhill

    We have waited 50 years. It is time that something is done.