
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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Showing 751 to 775 of 909 representations, newest first.

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  • Stuart Broadhurst

    I have been a resident of the High Peak for over 20 years. Before this, over 40 years ago, I attended Longdendale High School and travelled from Hyde via bus service to Hollingworth. Throughout this... Read more

  • Stuart Clarke

    As someone who spends hours each week queuing to get in and out of Glossop I do wonder why there even needs to be a consultation on this project. Anyone from the National Infrastructure Planning Board... Read more

  • Stuart Roberts

    This is a bypass that has been promised for years, it must go ahead and not be blocked by Labour.

  • Susan Hall

    This is a much needed road for everyone, it will free up a lot of traffic going through Glossop

  • Susan Parkes

    My representation is about noise and pollution in Charlesworth. I first moved to [redacted] before the M67 was opened and although some would use High Lane as a short cut to Glossop it was relevantly... Read more

  • Terence Cross

    The very long overdue Mottram Bypass and Glossop Spur Road is desperately needed to alleviate the horrendous traffic congestion in the town. This is especially urgent in light of the additional... Read more

  • Thomas Power

    The bypass has been sought for by the people of this constituency for decades. It has been thoroughly researched and and finally approved for commencement. The obvious massively beneficial outcome... Read more

  • Tom Hodgson

    I believe this bypass is required, the traffic around Glossop is horrendous when trying to access the Motorway westbound from the High Peak.

  • Tom Hughes

    My concern is the lack of any action to relieve the village of Tintwistle 0f the burden of very heavy traffic at all times, day and night. The village, for years, has been ignored in respect of the... Read more

  • Tony England

    As a local resident of Glossop I am very much in favour of the proposed A57 Link Roads Upgrade on the grounds of existing extreme traffic congestion in and around Glossop, resultant air pollution... Read more

  • Tracy Welford

    I personally am fed up to the back teeth of not being able to get In it out of glossop, more and More houses are being built adding to this huge problem. I also work in the community and getting from... Read more

  • Trevor Hoyland

    The proposed by-pass will improve air quality, speed up journey times for commuters and businesses and prevent rat-running which adversely affects the whole area. The present situation is deplorable... Read more

  • Trudy Phillips

    It is vitally important that the Bypass and Spur roads are built. I have lived in Glossop for over 40 years and have seen the traffic situation worstening over the years. The roads cannot cope with... Read more

  • Val Trivett

    We have been awaiting this for ages and it will alleviate congestion!

  • Vanessa Mccallum

    I support the Mottram Bypass and spur road being build. I have previously lived very close to Mottram Moor and now live in the centre of Glossop, I have lived in the area for more than 20 years.... Read more

  • Vera Linda Mellor

    Just an ordinary member of the public who feels strongly about reducing traffic congestion and the quality of the air we breathe.

  • Wanda Power

    The Bypass is long awaited and much needed for the residents of Hadfield and Glossop who are forced to waste time on a daily basis sitting in gridlocked traffic whilst trying to get to the M67 and to... Read more

  • Wayne Latham

    There is little to no infrastructure around this area, and this bypass has been needed since the 1960s. Ques are horrendous..

  • Wendy Willoughby

    Without the new bypass there can be no spur road to relieve the progress of heavy traffic coming from the Woodhead Pass and the M1 which has to travel through Tintwhistle to get to the M67 and... Read more

  • Zakida Bi

    I am against this scheme for the following reasons:   1. It would be the start of a new expressway across the Peak District National Park to South Yorkshire, driving more traffic across this beautiful... Read more

  • Adrian Hopkinson

    I support the application for the Mottram by pass however I do think that this will only part solve the huge congestion issues and a by pass of Hollingworth and Tintwisle is also needed.

  • Andrew McCallum

    the bypass is essential.

  • Andy Booth

    I object as this is not a bypass, reports which are freely available have proved that emissions and traffic will in fact increase. A full bypass or weight limit on the A628 and B6105 is required. The... Read more

  • Anthony Hague

    I hope the plans get approved [redacted] have lived in this area all my life .The traffic is getting worse so hopefully the road will stop people having to be stuck in traffic trying to get to and up... Read more

  • Anthony Rodrigues

    We Live [redacted] Tintwistle, we have to live with Cars going past our Property often but more so HGV's causing noise 247 Monday all the way to Sunday there is no rest. I Object to the Road being... Read more