Back to list A47 North Tuddenham to Easton

Representation by D G M Kenney

Date submitted
25 May 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

HE's proposal to close the Ringland Road connection to the A47 at Easton will result in the present rat-run traffic from the north (Taverham etc) being redirected westwards, down Weston Road (single width) and onto the southern mile of Taverham Road (another single lane country lane with blind bends and brows and few passing places) in order to access the A47 via the proposed new Norwich Road roundabout. HE has completely failed to address this in its strategy, repeatedly passing the issue on to NCC. The 'receptor' feedback comments have not had an adequate response - just a statement acknowledging that Taverham Road is the next access lane to the A47 from the north side once the Easton roundabout access is removed. NCC Highways has expressed concern about the implications for traffic quantities but no mitigation has been suggested. Residents have repeatedly highlighted concerns about safety (for walkers and cyclists). The potential linking of the expanding Food Hub on the southern roundabout at the new junction will draw even more traffic up and down Taverham Road. The traffic forecast figures circulated have changed constantly and there is no plan for addressing the exacerbated levels of rat-run traffic should NCC's Western Link Road not be built (and that still looks to be a strong possibility). Taverham Road is currently a beautiful, tranquil and narrow country lane, popular with cyclists. It will be destroyed by the predicted rat-running and become even more dangerous to users than it is at present. With the present proposals, Taverham Road should not have a connection onto the A47.