Back to list A47 North Tuddenham to Easton

Representation by Peter Milliken

Date submitted
27 May 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to make representation in support of this application. At present there is no safe way to get to a part of our village on foot or by cycle which limited the travel options of this part of our community to only being able to travel by motor vehicle and even then may Easton residents prefer not to cross the roundabout on the A47 near St Peters Church because of the actual and preceded dangers due to the high speed of traffic on the A47 not slowing down as they approach the roundabout. At present, Church Lane sees at least 4800 on average daily motor vehicle journeys along Church Lane and Ringland Road. This is an unclassified county track. The scheme devised stops the rat-running traffic and provides a safe and secure means for residents to move around the whole village on foot, by cycle, wheelchair or mobility scooter. With the proposed plan the dispersed traffic will use more suitable C and B class roads in the local area. This plan even protects the residents of Ringland against rat-running which NCC Highways has to date not been prepared to do. Highways England engaged, you listened, you developed a locally agreed proposal and now it is time to implement without any further delay.