Back to list A47 North Tuddenham to Easton

Representation by David Lewis

Date submitted
3 June 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Subject: Closure of Church Lane, Lower Easton Dear James and the Highways team, I wish to express my gratitude to you for producing the planned changes to the road system in Lower Easton, as well as the new footbridge across the A47. For the first time in 30 years I will soon be able to walk along Ringland Road without the danger of speeding traffic, HGVs etc and access the rest of my village safely across the new footbridge. For 30 years it has been impossible to leave my house on foot and have a walk up the road towards Easton for fear of becoming a statistic. I look forward to the start of roadworks to dual the A47 and remove the rat running traffic that plagues Lower Easton at present. I will no longer have to put up with HGVs passing within half a metre of the front wall of my house and damaging my property. My near neighbours are also pleased with your plans as their properties are also being damaged by the heavy traffic that we are currently experiencing along Ringland Road. Thank you for all your hard work. Kind Regards, David Lewis