Back to list A47 North Tuddenham to Easton

Representation by Breckland Council (Breckland Council)

Date submitted
17 June 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Breckland Council, as the host authority for the proposals, has been in discussions with Highways England for some time in relation to the proposed scheme. It welcomes the chance to be an active part of the Examination Process and considers that the following matters are relevant to the scheme and would ask that they are addressed by the Examining Inspector(s). • The impact of the development on the economy of the area including the improvements in connectivity between Dereham and Norwich • The impact of the development on the amenity of local residents • The impact of the development on the character and appearance of the landscape and the area in which it located • The impact of the development on local areas of designated open space with particular reference to Poppys Wood. This is designated as an area of open space within the Breckland Local Plan and therefore Policy ENV01 applies. The impact of the proposals upon this area clearly needs to be considered. The need for any mitigation, and the form of any mitigation, will need to be considered if there is found to be an unacceptable impact on this area off Public Open Space. • The impact of the development on designated heritage assets, including a veteran woodland area. This is with specific reference to a Grade II listed building (Berry Hall) and an area of veteran woodland at Berry’s Lane as being situated in close proximity to the location of the proposed junction. It also relates to the Grade II Listed building (Icehouse - listing 1077350) on Berry’s Lane. The impacts of the proposal upon these will clearly need to be considered carefully. • Drainage and flooding – in particular the impact of the proposal upon the area of surface water flood risk that exists to the south of Hockering. • The improvement of connectivity of existing villages through improvements to walking and cycling routes in the vicinity of the proposed schemes. • The impact of the development upon through traffic, in particular the proposal to stop up Berry’s Lane. The Council would seek to have Berry’s Lane and Wood Lane connected by way of an underpass under the A47 but separate from the proposed A47/Norwich Western Link Road junction. • Ensuring that there is connectivity to the Norwich Western Link Road. • Assessment of the proposal against the policies of the Breckland Local Plan (November 2019).