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Representation by Norfolk County Council as promoter of Norwich Western Link (Norfolk County Council as promoter of Norwich Western Link )

Date submitted
17 June 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This representation is submitted for Norfolk County Council in its capacity as the local highway authority promoting the proposed Norwich Western Link (“NWL scheme”), which is intended to connect to Highways England’s (“HE”) A47 North Tuddenham to Easton scheme (“A47 scheme”) at the improved Wood Lane junction. A separate representation is submitted by Norfolk County Council in its wider capacity as a ‘host’ local authority under s.43 Planning Act 2008, commenting on the A47 scheme from its perspective as Highway Authority, Minerals and Waste Planning Authority, Lead Local Flood Authority and in having Public Health responsibilities. As promoter of the NWL scheme, Norfolk County Council (“NCC”) is fully supportive of the A47 scheme and welcomes HE’s inclusion in the DCO application documentation of provision linking the NWL scheme with the proposed A47 (“the NWL spur”). NCC seeks clarification of HE’s position on: 1. “Optional cycle track” – Work No.26a The A47 scheme includes provision for a cycle track between the realigned Wood Lane and Hall Farm Underpass, shown on the Rights of Way and Access (“RoWA”) Plans as looping around the NWL spur. In discussion with NCC, HE indicated this arrangement would not be provided if the NWL scheme starts construction in the same period as the A47 scheme. NCC seeks assurance from HE that a new permanent non-motorised user (“NMU”) facility is not required at this location as part of the NWL scheme. 2. Delivery of NWL spur NCC seeks clarification of HE’s intention to construct the NWL spur. HE’s Statement of Reasons (paragraph 4.16.4) anticipates delivery of the A47 scheme before the NWL scheme, and indicates that although the NWL spur is expressed (in the DCO) to be “optional”, HE would construct it in anticipation of the NWL scheme, to minimise future disruption to the highway network. However, the Scheme Design Report (paragraph 9.2.7) states that the NWL spur “would only be created if the NWL obtained planning consent prior to the [A47] Scheme commencing the main construction works." NCC seeks HE’s commitment to greater flexibility in collaborating to deliver both schemes. The NWL spur is not identified in the RoWA Plans as “new/improved/altered highway”, notwithstanding its identification as Work No.98 in the Works Plans, reflecting DCO Schedule 1 and the intention presented in the Classification of Roads Plans and DCO Schedule 3, Part 1A, where it is identified as an ‘A’ road. NCC suggests amendment of the RoWA Plans to resolve inconsistency and clarify HE’s intentions. 3. NMU provision on Dereham Road Noting HE’s proposed NMU provision on/around Dereham Road, NCC would welcome opportunities for collaboration with HE to ensure this element of the A47 scheme can be further developed to provide suitable NMU routes. 4. Delay to NWL delivery NCC has been working with HE to identify appropriate arrangements for local communities (in particular Weston Longville) should delivery of the NWL scheme be delayed. NCC would welcome the opportunity to settle the approach in agreement with HE, and to commit to a mutually acceptable solution.