Back to list A47 North Tuddenham to Easton

Representation by Mr Neil Alston (Mr Neil Alston)

Date submitted
17 June 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Respondent: Mr Neil Alston Property: Land at East Tuddenham The total Property owned by the Respondent extends to approximately 518ha (1230 acres) of what is primarily productive arable land, interspersed with areas of woodland and lowland grass. Approximately 105 ha (260 acres), representing 20% of the holding, is located to the North of the existing A47. The single carriageway nature of the A47 at the dividing point and the availability of Berry Hall Lane and Church Lane ensure the Property retains a sense of connection. This is an important factor for the efficient operation of the agricultural enterprises carried out on the Property. The closure of Church Lane and Berry Hall Lane, without alternative provision for access, will result in the Property being severed. This will have a detrimental impact on the nature and cohesion of the Property and will significantly impact the efficacy of the farming operations carried out thereon. The Respondent accepts the need to close Church Lane, despite it being the closest link point between the two parts of the Property. It had been hoped, and understood to be the case from early designs, that Berry Hall Lane would remain open. This would have allowed agricultural traffic, which has always used this access route without challenge, to effectively passage between the north and south blocks. The Respondent has been informed that Berry Hall Lane must be closed to avoid ‘rat running’ from the Wood Lane junction south to Wymondham. This is apparently the belief of the local parish councils. To date, no empirical evidence has been provided to back up this assertion and in the absence of such data the closure of Berry Hall Lane appears to be without justification. The Respondent will suffer actual interference with the use and enjoyment of his Property. Proposals have been made by the Respondent to Highways England to retain Berry Hall Lane as a private means of access, with gates/bollards or some other form of traffic flow control. This would enable the issue of rat running to be addressed but allow the Respondent to operate the north and south blocks more efficiently and cohesively. In the absence of Berry Hall Lane as an access route, all farm traffic will need to follow one of two routes. Route 1 goes west through East Tuddenham to the Mattishall Lane link road and then back east along the old A47, taking 6km to do what used to take 1.6km and involving taking machinery through East Tuddenham. Route 2 heads east to the Honingham Church roundabout, doubles back along the old A47 to the Wood Lane Grade Separated Junction (GSJ), navigates that and then comes out on the north side of Wood Lane. Taking an extra 3km of journey compared to using Berry Hall Lane. The proposals sever the Property, significantly impact the efficacy of running a farming business on the Property, put a significant number of agricultural vehicles on the highways network rather than keeping them localised, and pushes traffic through East Tuddenham. It has been suggested that Berry Hall Lane is not fit for purpose because of its width, but it, like so many other Norfolk roads, has served the agricultural industry well over the years and should be allowed to continue to do so, for the benefit of the surrounding highways network as well as the Respondent. It is requested that the Inspector consider a proposal to maintain a private agricultural right of way along Berry Hall Lane with enhancement of the proposed footpath link to the Dereham road link, to that of a 4m wide hard surfaced roadway with gates/bollards.