All project updates
28 Gorffennaf 2023
On 28 July 2023 the Secretary of State issued a Correction Notice (PDF, 104 KB) and Correction Order (PDF, 89 KB) to make corrections to the A47 Blofield to North Burlingham Development Consent Order 2023.
22 Mehefin 2022
The Secretary of State has today granted development consent for this application.
- Secretary of State’s Decision Letter (PDF, 439KB)
- Planning Inspectorate’s Notification of Decision Letter (PDF, 144KB)
- Development Consent Order as made (PDF, 1MB)
- Examining Authority’s Recommendation Report (PDF, 3MB)
- Regulation 31 Notice (PDF, 95KB)
- Post-Examination Submissions (PDF, 10MB)
22 Mehefin 2022
Decision made by the Secretary of State
7 Mehefin 2022
The responses to the secretary of state's consultation, dated 5 May 2022, have been published.
29 Ebrill 2022
The responses to the Secretary of State’s Consultation from the Applicant and Norfolk County Council have been published.
14 Ebrill 2022
The Secretary of State has issued a consultation letter (PDF, 68 KB), requesting responses from the Applicant and Norfolk County Council. A related document from the council (PDF, 319 KB) has also been published.
The deadline is 23:59 on 27 April 2022.
The deadline is 23:59 on 27 April 2022.
22 Mawrth 2022
Recommendations given by the Planning Inspectorate
23 Rhagfyr 2021
The Examining Authority’s notification of the completion of the Examination (104 KB) has been published. If you have any questions, please email us:
22 Rhagfyr 2021
The Deadline 10 submissions have been published. The Examination closes at 11.59pm on 22 December 2021
If you have any questions please contact us:
If you have any questions please contact us:
17 Rhagfyr 2021
The Deadline 9 submissions have been published.
Deadline 10 is on Tuesday 21 December 2021, please see the Examination Timetable which sets out the information that can be submitted.
The Examining Authority has issued a request for further information (146 Kb) and invites comments from the Applicant.
The Deadline for comments is Deadline 10 on Tuesday 21 December 2021.
If you have any questions please contact us:
Deadline 10 is on Tuesday 21 December 2021, please see the Examination Timetable which sets out the information that can be submitted.
The Examining Authority has issued a request for further information (146 Kb) and invites comments from the Applicant.
The Deadline for comments is Deadline 10 on Tuesday 21 December 2021.
If you have any questions please contact us:
10 Rhagfyr 2021
The Deadline 8 submissions have been published.
Deadline 9 is on Wednesday 15 December 2021, please see the Examination Timetable which sets out the information that can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us:
Deadline 9 is on Wednesday 15 December 2021, please see the Examination Timetable which sets out the information that can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us:
26 Tachwedd 2021
The Examining Authority's Schedule of changes to the Applicant’s draft Development Consent Order (PDF, 191kb) has been published. Interested Parties are invited to make comments by Deadline 8 on 7 December 2021.
Please see the Exam Timetable which sets out further information which can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us:
Please see the Exam Timetable which sets out further information which can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us:
22 Tachwedd 2021
The Examining Authority has issued a Procedural Decision (PDF, 164kb) in response to the Applicant's request for a change to the application.
Deadline 8 is on Tuesday 7 December 2021, please see the Examination Timetable which sets out the information that can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us :
Deadline 8 is on Tuesday 7 December 2021, please see the Examination Timetable which sets out the information that can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us :
19 Tachwedd 2021
The Deadline 7 submissions have been published.
Deadline 8 is on Tuesday 7 December 2021, please see the Examination Timetable which sets out the information that can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us :
Deadline 8 is on Tuesday 7 December 2021, please see the Examination Timetable which sets out the information that can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us :
11 Tachwedd 2021
We have published the recordings and actions points (PDF, 159 KB) from the Hearings on 9 November.
Deadline 7 is on 18 November, please see the Exam timetable which sets out information to be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us:
Deadline 7 is on 18 November, please see the Exam timetable which sets out information to be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us:
4 Tachwedd 2021
The Deadline 6 submissions have been published. Please provide comments by Deadline 7 on Thursday 18 November.
Hearings are being held on 9 November and the Hearing agendas have now been published. Those who have requested to attend Hearings will be sent the joining details the day before.
The hearings will be broadcast live If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.
If you have any questions please contact us:
Hearings are being held on 9 November and the Hearing agendas have now been published. Those who have requested to attend Hearings will be sent the joining details the day before.
The hearings will be broadcast live If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.
If you have any questions please contact us:
21 Hydref 2021
The Deadline 5 submissions have been published. Please provide comments by Deadline 6 on Tuesday 2 November.
Let us know by Tuesday 2 November if you would like to attend the Hearings on 9 November as set out in hearing notification (PDF, 142 KB).
Let us know by Tuesday 2 November if you would like to attend the Hearings on 9 November as set out in hearing notification (PDF, 142 KB).
8 Hydref 2021
The Examining Authority has issued a Procedural Decision (PDF, 142 KB) in response to the Applicant's request for a change (PDF, 1mb) to the application.
This letter also includes a notification of Hearings scheduled for 9 November 2021. Please let the Case Team know by Tuesday 2 November 2021 if you would like to attend and / or speak at a Hearing.
This letter also includes a notification of Hearings scheduled for 9 November 2021. Please let the Case Team know by Tuesday 2 November 2021 if you would like to attend and / or speak at a Hearing.
6 Hydref 2021
The Deadline 4a submissions have been published.
Deadline 5 is on Tuesday 19 October, please see the Examination timetable which sets out information that can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us:
Deadline 5 is on Tuesday 19 October, please see the Examination timetable which sets out information that can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us:
28 Medi 2021
The Examining Authority has issued the following documentation:
The Deadline for responses is Deadline 5 on Tuesday 19 October 2021.
The Deadline for responses to Change Request issued 21 September 2021 is Deadline 4a on Tuesday 5 October 2021
The Examination Library (PDF, 372 KB) has also been updated.
- The Examining Authority Second Written Questions (PDF, 229 KB).
The Deadline for responses is Deadline 5 on Tuesday 19 October 2021.
The Deadline for responses to Change Request issued 21 September 2021 is Deadline 4a on Tuesday 5 October 2021
The Examination Library (PDF, 372 KB) has also been updated.
24 Medi 2021
The Applicant has made a request for a change (PDF, 1mb) to the application.
The Examining Authority has issued a request for further information (PDF, 217kb) and invites comments from Interested Parties, Statutory Parties and the Applicant.
The Deadline for comments is Deadline 4a on Tuesday 5 October 2021.
The Examining Authority has issued a request for further information (PDF, 217kb) and invites comments from Interested Parties, Statutory Parties and the Applicant.
The Deadline for comments is Deadline 4a on Tuesday 5 October 2021.
17 Medi 2021
The Examining Authority has used its discretion to accept the following representations from the Applicant as late Deadline 4 submissions.
The Examining Authority has used its discretion to accept the following representations from the Applicant as Additional Submissions
- 9.16 Request for a Non-Material Change to the Application (Tracked) Rev 1 (PDF, 1 MB)
- 9.16 Request for a Non-Material Change to the Application (Clean) Rev 1 (PDF, 1 MB)
The Examining Authority has used its discretion to accept the following representations from the Applicant as Additional Submissions
- 4.3 Book of Reference (Clean) Rev 5 (PDF, 6 MB)
- 4.3 Book of Reference (Tracked) Rev 5 (PDF, 6 MB)
- 9.1 Guide to the Application Rev 4 (PDF, 718 KB)
- 9.4 Compulsory Acquisition Schedule (Clean) Rev 4 (PDF, 196 KB)
- 9.4 Compulsory Acquisition Schedule (Tracked) Rev 4 (PDF, 196 KB)
10 Medi 2021
The Deadline 4 submissions have been published.
Deadline 5 is on Tuesday 19 October, please see the Examination timetable which sets out information that can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us:
Deadline 5 is on Tuesday 19 October, please see the Examination timetable which sets out information that can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us:
24 Awst 2021
We have published the recordings and action points from the Hearings in wc 16 August. The ExA has decided that Hearings reserved for 1, 2, 3 September are not required.
Deadline 4 is on Thursday 9 September, please see the Exam timetable which sets out information that can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us:
Deadline 4 is on Thursday 9 September, please see the Exam timetable which sets out information that can be submitted.
If you have any questions please contact us:
13 Awst 2021
Hearings are being held in the week commencing 16 August and the Hearing agendas have been published.
Those who have requested to attend Hearings will be sent the joining details the day before.
The hearings will be broadcast live If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.
If you have any questions please contact us:
Those who have requested to attend Hearings will be sent the joining details the day before.
The hearings will be broadcast live If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.
If you have any questions please contact us:
6 Awst 2021
Hearings are being held on 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 August. The Hearing agendas have been published.
The hearings are held online and we will send joining instructions to attendees the day before the event. The Hearings will be livestreamed and a link will be posted on this webpage at the start of each Hearing. Let us know as soon as possible which Hearing you would like to attend. See section 2, of the hearing notification (PDF, 219 KB).
The hearings are held online and we will send joining instructions to attendees the day before the event. The Hearings will be livestreamed and a link will be posted on this webpage at the start of each Hearing. Let us know as soon as possible which Hearing you would like to attend. See section 2, of the hearing notification (PDF, 219 KB).
5 Awst 2021
The Deadline 3 submissions have been published. Please provide comments by Deadline 4 on Thursday 9 September.
Let us know by Monday 9 August if you would like to attend Hearings in the week commencing 16 August. See section 2, of the hearing notification (PDF, 219 KB).
Let us know by Monday 9 August if you would like to attend Hearings in the week commencing 16 August. See section 2, of the hearing notification (PDF, 219 KB).
21 Gorffennaf 2021
The Deadline 2 submissions have been published. Please provide comments by Deadline 3 on Tuesday 3 August.
Let us know by Monday 9 August if you would like to attend Hearings in the w/c 16 August. See section 2, of the hearing notification (PDF, 219 KB).
Let us know by Monday 9 August if you would like to attend Hearings in the w/c 16 August. See section 2, of the hearing notification (PDF, 219 KB).
14 Gorffennaf 2021
A Rule 13 letter (PDF, 219 KB) providing notification of Hearings that will be held during the week commencing 16 August and 1, 2, and 3 September 2021 has been published.
Please let the Case Team know by Monday 9 August 2021 if you would like to attend and / or speak at a Hearing.
Please let the Case Team know by Monday 9 August 2021 if you would like to attend and / or speak at a Hearing.
9 Gorffennaf 2021
The Deadline 1 (D1) submissions have now been published.
Deadline 2 (D2) includes your written submissions on the Proposed Development and comments on the D1 submissions for 20 July 2021.
Please see the Examination Timetable for the details.
Deadline 2 (D2) includes your written submissions on the Proposed Development and comments on the D1 submissions for 20 July 2021.
Please see the Examination Timetable for the details.
22 Mehefin 2021
The following documents have been published:
- The Examining Authority's Rule 8 letter (PDF, 410 KB) which, along with issuing the Examination Timetable and other procedural matters, includes a Procedural Decision to close the Preliminary Meeting and a request for further information from the Applicant
- The Preliminary Meeting Note (PDF, 250 KB)
22 Mehefin 2021
Examination begins
22 Mehefin 2021
The Examination Timetable (Rule 8 letter) has been sent to Interested Parties.
Procedural decision following Preliminary Meeting.
17 Mehefin 2021
Preliminary Meeting Part 2 Tuesday 22 June – Update
The Examining Authority (ExA) has considered the comments and representations made at Procedural Deadline B, and has decided that there are no procedural matters which need to be explored orally. As a result, in accordance with paragraph 7.5 of the Planning Inspectorate’s Advice Note 8.6 (Virtual Events), the ExA does not consider there is a need to reconvene the meeting and will instead formally close the meeting through a written Procedural Decision sent to all Interested Parties on 22 June 2021.
This means that a virtual meeting (PM Part 2) will no longer be held on that date and following the written close of the meeting, the Examination will start.
The Examining Authority (ExA) has considered the comments and representations made at Procedural Deadline B, and has decided that there are no procedural matters which need to be explored orally. As a result, in accordance with paragraph 7.5 of the Planning Inspectorate’s Advice Note 8.6 (Virtual Events), the ExA does not consider there is a need to reconvene the meeting and will instead formally close the meeting through a written Procedural Decision sent to all Interested Parties on 22 June 2021.
This means that a virtual meeting (PM Part 2) will no longer be held on that date and following the written close of the meeting, the Examination will start.
10 Mehefin 2021
The recording from the Preliminary Meeting Part 1 has been published: Recording of Preliminary Meeting - Session 1 - 8 June 2021.
9 Mehefin 2021
It has been brought to our attention that some viewers of the Preliminary Meeting Part 1 (PM1) live stream experienced issues viewing the video content at approximately 11:00am. After some investigation it has become apparent this was part of a bigger issue affecting a 'content delivery network' provider called Fastly across Europe and North America.
The video recording of PM1, which will be published as soon as practicable, has not been affected by this issue. Viewers who experienced issues with the live stream may wish to view the video recording and respond to any matters potentially missed in writing for Procedural Deadline B: Tuesday 15 June 2021.
The video recording of PM1, which will be published as soon as practicable, has not been affected by this issue. Viewers who experienced issues with the live stream may wish to view the video recording and respond to any matters potentially missed in writing for Procedural Deadline B: Tuesday 15 June 2021.
8 Mehefin 2021
Preliminary Meeting takes place
7 Mehefin 2021
Instructions for those wishing to participate at the Preliminary Meeting Part 1 (PM1) have been sent.
A Livestream of PM1 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.
Please note that PM1 will start broadcasting LIVE once it opens at 10.00am on Tuesday 8 June 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.
A Livestream of PM1 is available for those wishing to observe in real time.
Please note that PM1 will start broadcasting LIVE once it opens at 10.00am on Tuesday 8 June 2021. If the Livestream doesn’t initially work, it may be resolved by refreshing the page.
26 Mai 2021
The submissions to Procedural Deadline A have been published.
The Examining Authority has used its discretion to accept the following representations as Additional Submissions:
The Examining Authority has used its discretion to accept the following representations as Additional Submissions:
- GTC Pipelines Limited (PDF, 260 KB)
- Defence Infrastructure Organisation (PDF, 105 KB)
- Cadent Gas Limited (PDF, 18 MB)
- John Randlesome (PDF, 103 KB).
27 Ebrill 2021
The Rule 6 letter (PDF, 602KB) notifying of the Preliminary Meeting (PM) has been issued. This letter includes details of the PM, the draft Examination Timetable and other related matters.
Part 1 of the Preliminary Meeting will be held on 8 June 2021. Invitations to this meeting have been sent to Interested Parties.
The Examining Authority's (ExA) Written Questions (ExQ1) (PDF, 707KB) have also been published. Although Interested Parties have the opportunity to respond to any of the ExA’s questions, specific questions have been addressed to:
The Applicant
Broadland District Council
Environment Agency
Historic England
Natural England
Norfolk County Council
Part 1 of the Preliminary Meeting will be held on 8 June 2021. Invitations to this meeting have been sent to Interested Parties.
The Examining Authority's (ExA) Written Questions (ExQ1) (PDF, 707KB) have also been published. Although Interested Parties have the opportunity to respond to any of the ExA’s questions, specific questions have been addressed to:
The Applicant
Broadland District Council
Environment Agency
Historic England
Natural England
Norfolk County Council
27 Ebrill 2021
The notification of Preliminary Meeting (Rule 6 letter) has been sent.
The letter also includes the draft Examination Timetable and Initial Assessment of Principal Issues.
22 Ebrill 2021
The Examining Authority has used its discretion to accept the following documents from the Applicant as Additional Submissions:
4.3 Book of Reference Rev 1 - Clean (PDF, 5 MB)
4.3 Book of Reference Rev 1 - Tracked (PDF, 6 MB)
The following representations have also been accepted as Additional Submissions:
Highways England on behalf of Norfolk Constabulary (PDF, 616 KB)
Transport Action Network (PDF, 199 KB)
The Coal Authority (PDF, 92 KB)
The Examination Library (PDF, 509 KB) has been updated to include these submissions as well as the recently published suite of Relevant Representations.
The note of the Examining Authority’s Unaccompanied Site Inspection (PDF, 112 KB) on 19 and 20 April 2021 has also been published.
4.3 Book of Reference Rev 1 - Clean (PDF, 5 MB)
4.3 Book of Reference Rev 1 - Tracked (PDF, 6 MB)
The following representations have also been accepted as Additional Submissions:
Highways England on behalf of Norfolk Constabulary (PDF, 616 KB)
Transport Action Network (PDF, 199 KB)
The Coal Authority (PDF, 92 KB)
The Examination Library (PDF, 509 KB) has been updated to include these submissions as well as the recently published suite of Relevant Representations.
The note of the Examining Authority’s Unaccompanied Site Inspection (PDF, 112 KB) on 19 and 20 April 2021 has also been published.
20 Ebrill 2021
Relevant representations published on the website
6 Ebrill 2021
Registration of interested parties closes
23 Mawrth 2021
The Examining Authority has used its discretion to accept further documents submitted by the Applicant in response to its Procedural Decision dated 2 February 2021 as Additional Submissions:
Cover Letter (PDF, 22 KB)
6.9 Report to inform Habitats Regulations Assessment Rev 1 - Clean (PDF, 18 MB)
6.9 Report to Inform Habitats Regulations Assessment Rev 1 - Tracked (PDF, 40 MB)
7.7 Environmental Management Plan Rev 1 - Clean (PDF, 12 MB)
7.7 Environmental Management Plan Rev 1 - Tracked (PDF, 23 MB)
7.8 Outline Traffic Management Plan Rev 1 (PDF, 14 MB)
Cover Letter (PDF, 22 KB)
6.9 Report to inform Habitats Regulations Assessment Rev 1 - Clean (PDF, 18 MB)
6.9 Report to Inform Habitats Regulations Assessment Rev 1 - Tracked (PDF, 40 MB)
7.7 Environmental Management Plan Rev 1 - Clean (PDF, 12 MB)
7.7 Environmental Management Plan Rev 1 - Tracked (PDF, 23 MB)
7.8 Outline Traffic Management Plan Rev 1 (PDF, 14 MB)
25 Chwefror 2021
Registration of interested parties begins
8 Chwefror 2021
The Examining Authority has used its discretion to accept the following documents submitted by the Applicant in response to its Procedural Decision dated 2 February 2021 as Additional Submissions:
Cover Letter (PDF, 32 KB)
1.1 Introduction to the Application (PDF, 265 KB)
2.8 Crown Land Plans (PDF, 3 MB)
6.1 Environmental Statement Chapter 14 - Climate (PDF, 252 KB)
6.2 Environmental Statement Appendices Appendix 4.1 - Scoping Opinion Responses (PDF, 179 KB)
Cover Letter (PDF, 32 KB)
1.1 Introduction to the Application (PDF, 265 KB)
2.8 Crown Land Plans (PDF, 3 MB)
6.1 Environmental Statement Chapter 14 - Climate (PDF, 252 KB)
6.2 Environmental Statement Appendices Appendix 4.1 - Scoping Opinion Responses (PDF, 179 KB)
2 Chwefror 2021
The Examining Authority has made a Procedural Decision to request information from the Applicant (PDF, 205 KB).
29 Ionawr 2021
27 Ionawr 2021
The application has been accepted for examination
18 Ionawr 2021
The application documents have been published.
The documents have been published to help you become familiar with the proposal. There is no opportunity to make comments on the application at this stage. If the application is accepted you will be able to register and express your views during the Relevant Representation stage and the subsequent Examination. Further detail on this process is provided in Advice Note 8.2.
The documents have been published to help you become familiar with the proposal. There is no opportunity to make comments on the application at this stage. If the application is accepted you will be able to register and express your views during the Relevant Representation stage and the subsequent Examination. Further detail on this process is provided in Advice Note 8.2.
31 Rhagfyr 2020
This application was received by the Planning Inspectorate on 30 December 2020.
The Applicant has requested that all application documents be published as soon as practicable to help everyone become familiar with the detail of what is being proposed in this application. The Planning Inspectorate will therefore make the application documents available as soon as practicable.
This provision is solely for the purpose of allowing more time to all those who wish to become familiar with the detail of what is being proposed ahead of the relevant representation period without lengthening the overall time required for the application process. There will be no opportunity at this stage to make comments on the application. If the application is accepted anyone interested in the application will be able to register and express their views during the relevant representation stage and the subsequent examination. Further detail on this process is provided in Advice Note 8.2.
The Applicant has requested that all application documents be published as soon as practicable to help everyone become familiar with the detail of what is being proposed in this application. The Planning Inspectorate will therefore make the application documents available as soon as practicable.
This provision is solely for the purpose of allowing more time to all those who wish to become familiar with the detail of what is being proposed ahead of the relevant representation period without lengthening the overall time required for the application process. There will be no opportunity at this stage to make comments on the application. If the application is accepted anyone interested in the application will be able to register and express their views during the relevant representation stage and the subsequent examination. Further detail on this process is provided in Advice Note 8.2.
30 Rhagfyr 2020
Application received by the Planning Inspectorate