Back to list M3 Junction 9 Improvement

Representation by Esther Dovey

Date submitted
4 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

It has been proved repeatedly that if you expand roads, you get more traffic. Instead, what's required is better public transport, better walking & cycling facilities, and car sharing schemes, for example. And I do mean instead, not used as an excuse to carry on expanding roads at the same time! Given that we are in a climate and ecological emergency, we should be protecting countryside and reducing traffic, not spending hundreds of millions of pounds doing the exact opposite. The area has already been severely damaged by the motorway. The remaining countryside is already fragmented and is not a very pleasant place to walk due to the traffic noise - this scheme would make it worse. The government should copy the Welsh government and have the courage and common sense to stop such damaging road schemes.