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Representation by Hampshire County Council (Hampshire County Council)

Date submitted
9 March 2023
Submitted by
Local authorities

Hampshire County Council (The Council) is a host authority for this application, with specific interests relating to local highway impact, Lead Local Flood Authority and Countryside Access (Public Rights of Way). The scheme will provide a free flow link between the M3 (south) and the A34 and remove a substantial amount of traffic from the Junction 9 gyratory. The Council is broadly very supportive of the scheme which will bring regional and national economic benefits, as well as improvements to the operation of the local highway network at peak times. There are a number of areas needing agreement that are subject to ongoing discussions with the applicant and summarised in the draft Statement of Common Ground. The Council is keen to continue to engage proactively with the applicant to reach agreement on these matters. Local Highway Authority – The Council is the local highway authority for the non-strategic road network in Hampshire. The modelling and design work of the proposed arrangement is generally accepted, however there remain matters of important detail to agree relating to those works to take place on the Council’s highway network as well as the transfer of existing and new highway assets to the Council as part of the proposals. Detailed discussions will need to continue to ensure that the terms of the DCO will not compromise the Council’s need for adequate protection and control in respect of the detailed design and execution of works that will take place on its highway network and also that the Council has adequate protection in respect of approving and any responsibility for maintaining new highway assets that will be transferred over to it, either as new highway or de-trunked existing highway. The Council anticipates that these matters will need to be reflected in the DCO and dealt with in detail in the form of separate agreements. The Council is also seeking reassurance that the DCO will not disapply elements of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA) and the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA). Or if they do disapply, then there is suitable wording within the DCO to replicate the requirements of these Acts. This will aid the Council’s ability to manage and coordinate activities on the highway, to ensure they are safely executed. The Council is also in discussion with the applicant regarding the Outline Traffic Management Plan and the planned diversion routes to accompany each phase of construction works. In relation to impact on the local highway network, the Council has an area of specific concern which relates to the operation of the A33/B3047 junction (known locally as the Cart and Horses junction). The junction operates as a four-arm linked priority junction with ghost island right turn lanes on the A33 and has been subject to safety led improvements. The DCO works would increase the level of traffic through the junction on the A33. Whilst the approach to the junction from the south is included within the red line of the DCO, the junction itself is largely excluded with no works proposed. The Council disagree with this approach and would like to see mitigation secured as part of the DCO to enable a new junction layout to be delivered in response to the additional traffic resulting from the DCO scheme. The Council and the applicant are continuing to engage on this matter and a further update may be available prior to the examination commencing. Lead Local Flood Authority – The overall strategy is considered appropriate, with a mixture of infiltration and conveyance drainage with discharge points into the River Itchen which is under the remit of the Environment Agency. Additional information is still awaited as set out in comments to the Drainage Strategy Report. There are some outstanding points which relate to infiltration testing and groundwater monitoring. While the strategy is considered acceptable, it will need to be reviewed again following submission of outstanding information. The Council is seeking clarification on the request for the disapplication of section 23 of the Land Drainage Act 1991 within the DCO, and the need for suitable management and approval for alterations to ordinary watercourses. Discussions are continuing to ensure that the Council’s interest is reflected in the terms of the DCO. Countryside Access – The Council is generally satisfied with the proposed new Public Rights of Way within the scheme. Discussions are continuing to agree the provisions within the DCO for the satisfactory transfer of new Public Rights of Way to the Council to ensure that they will not compromise the Council’s need for adequate protection and control in respect of the design, execution and maintenance of works that are intended to become the Council’s responsibility. The Council anticipates that these matters will need to be reflected in the DCO and dealt with in detail in the form of side agreements. Air Quality – The local air quality impacts are positive, as the scheme is forecast to result in less traffic within Winchester City Centre which has many sensitive receptors. The Council supports these benefits resulting from the scheme. Hampshire County Council will continue engagement with the Applicant on these matters and detailed comments on the outstanding issues will be included in the Local Impact Report.