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Representation by Historic England (Historic England)

Date submitted
10 March 2023
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

Historic England (retaining the formal title of the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England) is the government service championing England’s heritage and giving expert, constructive advice. We summarise our representation regarding this proposed project as follows: 1. There is some potential for this development to affect the historic environment, and consequently mitigation will be required to ensure these impacts are removed or minimised. We are aware the application includes an Environmental Statement (ES). 2. We have been in discussions with National Highways since 2020 on the details of the scheme and have provided extensive pre-application advice to them so that appropriate consideration is made with regarding any potential impacts to the historic environment within the ES. 3. Specific issues addressed were: requirements for archaeological mitigation in response to the potential for non-designated archaeological remains to be impacted by the proposal; agreement on assessment methodology, study area and baseline information; the effects of soil deposition areas on nearby Scheduled Monuments; the retention of tree screening from adjacent heritage assets; the impacts of winter time lighting on St Gertrude’s Chapel; the use of noise attenuating road surfaces to reduce noise pollution close to designated heritage assets and understanding and mitigating the impacts of any multi-span gantries and signage close to designated heritage assets. Agreement on enhancement opportunities associated with nearby heritage assets are also covered within the EMP. 4. We are satisfied that the above matters and proposed mitigation have been satisfactorily addressed within the documents included in the submission by National Highways, including the draft DCO. The matters are also covered and addressed in a Statement of Common Ground (SoCG) that has been agreed between National Highways and Historic England. 5. Notwithstanding the requirement for eventual consultation with Historic England on detailed design, the enhancement opportunities and any changes to the scheme, we do not feel it necessary for us to continue our involvement in the Examination process. As such, this letter stands as an explanation of our decision not to be registered as an interest party.