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Representation by Jonathan William Muir

Date submitted
10 March 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am the owner of a property which is at [] and includes approximately one mile of the River Itchen and is an SSSI. The property is accessed via the A33 and will be impacted by the proposed project. You have notified me of that fact. The main issues for me as land owner and protector of the river and associated land, is that I will need access at all times via the gate adjoining the A33 while the works are being undertaken and when they are complete. Critical maintenance and management of the site needs to occur and access will be required through the only access point on the A33. In addition, as the A33 adjoins the river and land, the project must take into consideration the SSSI status, and include sufficient drainage, infrastructure and protection to ensure that any effluent, dirt, construction materials, or other materials do not enter the river system and pollute this environmentally important chalk stream and the bio-diversity it supports. In addition the construction of the project should include sufficient infrastructure and drainage to ensure that when complete, the expanded roads do not cause run-off from the road (including pollutants such as petrol, diesel, salt etc) to enter the river system or adjoining land.