Back to list M3 Junction 9 Improvement

Representation by Itchen Valley Parish Council (Itchen Valley Parish Council)

Date submitted
12 March 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

General Interest This project will be taking place in part within The Civil Parish of the Itchen Valley. Itchen Valley Parish Council is one of the largest Parish Councils in the Winchester District. It includes the villages of Avington, Easton, Itchen Abbas and Martyr Worthy. These villages are immediately to the east of M3 J9. The junction is between the Parish and the City of Winchester. The M3, A31, A33 & B3047 roads run through the Parish. Parish life is intrinsically linked with M3 J9. On 29th September 2022 the Council had a presentation by Volker Fitzpatick on the updates and latest modifications to the M3 J9 scheme. The Parish is also focused on the junction of the A33/B3047. On 3rd November 2022, the Parish Council passed a resolution demanding a safer junction at the junction of the B3047 & A33. We want the project to be successful. Specific Interests Footpaths and bridleways: The Parish maintains footpaths and bridleways that link to the City of Winchester through Junction 9 and we are interested in how these transition though the project boundary area. The surfaces of these are of particular interest. Commuting: The Parish is keen to support Parishioners and visitors with accessible routes to walk or cycle from our villages into the City of Winchester. The River Itchen: The River Itchen flows between Avington and Itchen Abbas and then Easton and Martyr Worthy before it gets to the project boundary. We are interested in the river levels and how these might be impacted during construction and after the junction is in use. Construction: The Parish Council in interested in how the construction will impact life and we are particularly interested in Phase 2 Construction and the impact of overnight diversions. Landscaping: The junction is the primary “entrance” from the M3 and A34 into our Valley. We are interested in the landscaping of the scheme. Noise: The Parish is interested to understand the impact on the levels of noise from the junction.